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Todos os artigos de Electricity supply

Exibindo 21 - 26 de 26 artigos

Solar PV outstripped coal as the leading source of new electricity generation worldwide last year. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Solar is now the most popular form of new electricity generation worldwide

Solar PV and wind energy have overtaken coal as the leading sources of new electricity generation worldwide, with falling prices and new storage technologies making clean energy ever more attainable.
Load shedding has stopped in South Africa over the last year but that doesn’t mean the country’s power problems are all gone. Shutterstock

It’s time South Africa learnt from others and overhauled its power sector

It would be better to proactively restructure South Africa’s electricity sector to spur innovation and investment and reduce costs before another crisis hits and further derails the economy.
Solar panels on a Walmart roof, Mountain View, California. Walmart/Flickr

Getting more energy from the sun: how to make better solar cells

Solar power has enormous potential, but provides only about one percent of world electricity today. An engineer explains the many steps it takes to make solar panels that are efficient, clean and cheap.
In Nigeria 96% of households are connected to the grid, but only 18% of these connections function more than about half the time. Akintunde Akinleye/Reuters

What lies behind Africa’s lack of access and unreliable power supplies

Africa still has numerous electricity challenges to overcome, but several countries are getting it right when it comes to providing electricity to their people.

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