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Todos os artigos de European Union (EU)

Exibindo 1241 - 1260 de 1414 artigos

A harbinger of things to come? VP Joe BIden up close and personal with Brazil’s President Rousseff Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

Around the world in 2015: the big stories predicted

The New Year always provides an opportunity for both introspection and speculation. So it seems a good time to consider what the big stories are likely to be this year. Some of the five major stories I…
Commemorating the dead of the revolution. Radu Sigheti/Reuters

Romania’s revolution: 25 years on

25 years after the beginning of the Romanian Revolution. I am standing in the University Plaza in Bucharest. My memory is channeling echoes of gun shots and student resistance; the smell of perspiration…
You’ve missed a bit. EPA/Koca Sulejmanovic

End of the line for Russia’s South Stream pipe dream?

After seven years of planning, the South Stream pipeline that would carry gas from Russia to Europe via Bulgaria has been cancelled. After a long-running battle with the EU over the need for the pipeline…
Time for an unbundling? Mark Knol

Google and Europe come to blows, but will they break up?

Google’s operations in Europe have come under fire recently, with the UK proposing new corporate tax reforms that are being dubbed a “Google tax” for targeting the multi-national. And this follows hot…
This crowd wants their president out David W Cerny/Reuters

Prague’s velvet: wearing off 25 years later

The United States had just gone through a bruising election, but in Congress Democratic and Republican leaders gathered to unveil the bust of Vaclav Havel, the playwright and first post-Communist Czech…
Problem solved. Jin Thai

Rubik’s Cube trademark puzzle solved by EU court

The Rubik’s Cube has confounded millions of people, including myself since discovering it in my uncle’s house as a child. And now the iconic three-dimensional puzzle has been the subject of an EU ruling…
Help needed. ilolab via Shutterstock

The eurozone needs a new treasury to revive it

The crisis of growth in the eurozone economy is now in its seventh year and the outlook is truly grim. But a new consensus is gradually emerging that could help lift euro countries out of this ongoing…
China’s embrace of technologies like solar roofs has seen it become the world’s biggest renewable energy investor. Climate Council

Australia is losing ground as the climate policy race gains pace

Climate change, now belatedly added to the agenda for this month’s G20 meeting in Brisbane, is a perennial topic whenever leaders gather for international summits. That’s understandable, given that countries…
Wrinkles in the EU plan to drive innovation? Giampaolo Squarcina

Europe’s bid for investment could be bad news for big oil

The European Union might just have made a historically important statement of intent, aimed at laying the foundations to boost investment in the EU as a driver of full recovery and long-term growth. That’s…
Time for Brazil to pull in the harvest? Sweeter Alternative

Hard Evidence: who will reap rewards from Russia farm sanctions?

The Russian ban on the imports of some agricultural products from the US, the European Union, Australia, Canada and Norway has sparked much debate over the likely impact on American and European farmers…
There has been much ado about the new EU/US trade agreement’s potential effect on the NHS. EPA

Make no mistake, the TTIP is a move in the wrong direction

This week has witnessed the seventh round of talks between EU and US negotiators seeking to hammer out a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). These have been mired in controversy over…

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