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Todos os artigos de Gonski review

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The government still needs to address the underlying problems that the Gonski reforms sought to address. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Back to the drawing board on Gonski: no logic in abandoning school reforms

Education minister Christopher Pyne says it’s necessary to go “back to the drawing board” on schools funding and abandon the previous government’s funding reforms – commonly known as the Gonski model…
The Coalition government’s deal with the states over schools funding should not be broken so easily. AAP Image/Tim Dornin

Legally binding or not? Why breaking the Gonski funding deals matters

Education minister Christopher Pyne has announced the new government will dump the agreements with the states on the Gonski school funding reforms, negotiated by the former Labor government. Pyne has said…
New education minister Christopher Pyne has effectively dumped the Gonski model of school funding. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Gonski is gone but can anything be salvaged?

Federal education minister Christopher Pyne has managed to upset the states and the education community with his declaration to “go back to the drawing board” on the Gonski funding scheme. Although Pyne’s…
The new government has fundamentally mislead the Australian public on school funding. AAP

Ditching Gonski: what’s so unfair about funding based on need?

In a bitterly disappointing move, it looks as though the government will now undo the vital Gonski school funding reforms of the previous Labor government. But perhaps it should come as no surprise. For…
What comes next after the election? Maybe it’s better not to watch… School image from

Getting past Gonski: school equity beyond the election

The last few years have been a rollercoaster ride for anyone who has followed the politics of school funding. There was a low after the 2007 election when Labor dragged its heels on a review, a high when…
Kevin Rudd may be king of the kids, but how does his Better Schools policy compare with the original Gonski review of schools funding? AAP/James Elby

Gonski watered down: how does the current policy compare?

It’s been a very long road for those wanting school funding reform. But it looks as though now the government version of the Gonski review is here to stay. Five states and territories are now on board…
Bipartisan support of the Gonski reforms will come at a price. (AAP Image/Julian Smith

Abbott’s Gonski backflip will wreck school funding accountability

For six years the Coalition has repeatedly told us that the Howard government’s model for school funding was working. They said the schools were getting the funding they needed and as education spokesperson…
Businessman David Gonski has set ideas in motion about education that will be difficult for any government or group to stop. AAP Image/Tracey Nearmy

Gonski’s legacy and the policy soup: does the political process matter?

It’s now more than three years since the government’s proposed changes to our school funding system began its long and bumpy road. A review was commissioned. Policy written. Deadlines for states to sign…
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced changes to the ALP’s education reforms. AAP

Change the name but ‘Gonski’ has a future under Rudd

Newly reinstated prime minister Kevin Rudd has publicly committed to Labor’s school reform agenda and extended the deadline for states and territories to sign up to the National Plan for School Improvement…
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is promoting her government’s schools funding plan – but should the same model be applied to university funding too? AAP Image/Dan Peled

Should we copy Gonski in higher education funding?

The Australian Education Bill, introduced to the parliament last week, sets out the government’s Gonski reforms to school funding. One of the reform’s key tenets is that extra money should go to schools…
What are you paying for when you choose a private, non-government school? Private school image from

Buyer beware: are you really purchasing a ‘better’ education?

Australian parents are increasingly choosing to spend more money on their children’s education. A report released last week showed parents who chose private education for their child were paying an average…
There are many reasons a child could be held back from reaching their learning potential – will extra money help? Children image from

Battling disadvantage through Gonski: will it work?

As the Gonski school funding debate heats up again, the political focus so far has been on the big billion dollar figures. In this crowded debate about who’s right or wrong on the numbers, there’s little…
The Gonski reforms will mean different levels of funding for different schools according to a variety of factors. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Gonski: different funding arrangements for different schools

In an attempt to pressure state leaders on schools funding reform, prime minister Julia Gillard revealed new data showing the difference her package would make at the national and state level. The June…
We’re understanding more about how the school funding reform will work, but there is one important question that goes unanswered. Money image from

More money for the classroom - or for bureaucrats?

Last night’s federal budget had few big spending items, but one standout area was the A$9.8 billion school funding reform. With most states still yet to sign on to the package, the budget papers reveal…
Looming cuts to expenditure and probable tax increases mean there will inevitably be winners and losers. But just how should these be chosen? Image sourced from

ALP’s real budget balancing act is picking the winners and losers

The government is facing two options to tackle its budget deficit: significant cuts in government expenditures or increasing taxes to close the gap with spending. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has already…
Over 1000 professors have signed a letter calling on the Government to reverse plans to cut university funding to pay for school reforms. AAP

Over 1000 professors call on Gillard to reverse planned uni cuts

Over a thousand Australian professors have signed an open letter asking the federal government to abandon plans for $2.3 billion worth of cuts to the university sector. The cuts, announced this month as…
The Gillard government’s Gonski reforms have a long way to go before reaching a school near you. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Budget blowouts and states wrangles: where to now on Gonski?

Last week NSW signed up to the Gillard government’s proposed changes to school funding – a deal that would see a new funding model based on the Gonski review and an injection of A$5 billion into NSW schools…
NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell (right) said today he would back Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s school reforms package. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

NSW backs Gillard’s Gonski schools plan

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard today said NSW has become the first state to sign up to the National Education Reform Agreement, which aims to add $A14.5 billion to the public and private school…

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