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Todos os artigos de Gun lobby

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In a recent survey, New Zealand gun owners reported more trust in other gun owners than people who don’t own guns, but lower levels of trust in the pro-gun lobby. from

Survey reveals a third of NZ gun owners distrust gun lobby

New Zealand police is running gun collection events throughout the country as part of the government’s amnesty and buyback scheme.
A Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student speaks during a rally with Thurgood Marshall Academy students in advance of Saturday’s March for Our Lives event in Washington REUTERS/Eric Thayer

Gun control and March for Our Lives: 4 essential reads

Student activists marching Saturday want Congress to enact comprehensive gun control. Here is a selection of stories from our archive that will help you understand the issues raised by the students.
The rising influence of the gun lobby in Australia may have extended the prospects of duck season continuing for the foreseeable future. shutterstock

Why duck shooting season still isn’t on the endangered list

Despite its unpopularity with the public and ongoing reports of endangered and non-game birds being killed - duck shooting season commences this month in Victoria, Tasmania and SA.

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