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Todos os artigos de iPods

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A budding romance? Ed Yourdon

The iPod zombies are more switched on than you think

Teenagers get a bad rap for zoning out on their iPods at every given opportunity, but they may not be the unsociable narcissists they are often portrayed as. In fact, they are often skilled users who manage…
New tech open avenues for dyslexic readers. thequietlibrary

E-readers prove easy on the eye for dyslexics

Using an e-reader may help some dyslexic students understand what they read more effectively, researchers at Harvard University argue. In a paper published in the journal PLOS One, the authors found that…
After success in Europe and the US, subscription-based music streaming service, Spotify is launching in Australia. Could it be a musical saviour? Flickr/capsun

Spotify: saviour of the music industry?

International music provider Spotify is preparing for its launch into the Australian market later this year. As a subscription-based streaming service, the success of the Stockholm-based Spotify across…

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