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Todos os artigos de Jimmy Savile

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There’s more to fighting sexual abuse than prisons. shutterstock

Preventing sexual abuse is a public health issue

We are in a time when the focus on allegations of sexual abuse is intense. Accurate and comprehensive statistics on the prevalence of sexual abuse remain elusive, but the figures that do exist indicate…
The court of public opinion: Jimmy Savile’s house, defaced after his crimes were exposed. PA

Notes on a scandal: the Jimmy Savile case is all too familiar

For all its extraordinary impact, the Jimmy Savile scandal has not unfolded in an exceptional way. The media and justice systems’ treatment of the affair is only the latest example of a relatively new…
Known for good political antennae, ABC chief Mark Scott has come under fire for his decisions around the Snowden spying leaks. AAP/Alan Porritt

ABC could learn from BBC realpolitik over spy leak fallout

The current stoush between the ABC and the government sees two competing perspectives on the role of public service media in play. The Coalition, on the one hand, regards the ABC as duty bound to serve…
Justice Peter McClellan (centre), Chair of the Royal Commission into child sex abuse, delivers a media statement with his fellow commissioners in Sydney. AAP/Damian Shaw

Child abuse inquiries as catalyst for deep change in the Catholic Church

The awful record of the institutional Catholic church’s leadership in dealing with the scandal of clerical sex abuse of minors has clearly, and rightly, been a trigger for the federal government’s Royal…
Nick Pollard delivers his review on BBC Newsnight’s decision to exclude a report on alleged abuse by the late broadcaster, Jimmy Savile. EPA/Chris Radburn

Australian Royal Commission and the Savile investigation: getting the truth out

With the year’s end tantalisingly close, Australia awaits the announcement of the Federal government’s terms of reference for the national Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual…
BBC Director-General George Entwistle has been forced to resign, plunging the public broadcaster into crisis. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

BBC scandal: lessons for the ABC to learn

As the BBC considers splitting the role of its chief executive and editor-in-chief, should the ABC give serious thought to adopting a similar model? The ongoing turmoil at the BBC over an ever widening…
Not paying attention: BBC Director-General George Entwhistle has resigned in the wake of the Newsnight child abuse program which wrongly implicated a Tory politician. AAP

BBC chief quits over ‘catastrophic failure’ of journalism

To get one Newsnight story about child abuse wrong could be regarded as an unfortunate lapse of editorial management by the BBC. To mess up two such stories in quick succession is much more than careless…
Jimmy Savile, pictured at Downing Street with former British prime minister Gordon Brown, is the subject of sexual abuse allegations. Flickr/Downing Street

Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter and the politics of paedophile rings

In Britain, the sexual abuse allegations against television personality Jimmy Savile have now implicated glam rocker Gary Glitter and comedian Freddie Starr. Police have intimated that other high-profile…

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