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Todos os artigos de MMIWG

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In 2015, Canadians across the country organized in support of Syrian refugees arriving in the country; these rallies were planned online. (Mike Gifford/flickr)

Leading an online social movement requires offline work

Online social movements are not leaderless. On the contrary, leadership duties are often assumed by identifiable individuals committed to doing leadership work.
The system of ‘birth alerts’ across Canada perpetuates the removal of children from Indigenous families begun by residential schools. Pictured here: a historical report on residential schools released by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck)

British Columbia’s ban on ‘birth alerts:’ A guiding light on the road to reconciliation

To make meaningful progress on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, all provinces and territories should promptly follow B.C. and ban discriminatory ‘birth alerts.’
A teenage boy throws rocks in the northern Ontario First Nations reserve in Attawapiskat in April 2016. Poverty has a profound impact on First Nations, and Canada needs to take bold wealth- and income-creation measures for the Indigenous. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Charting an economic path forward for First Nations

The MMIWG report didn’t address the poverty that has had such a devastating effect on First Nations. Encouraging active participation by the Indigenous in the Canadian economy is a win-win for everyone.
It is entirely unprecedented to have a sitting head of government admitting to ongoing genocide. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during ceremonies at the release of the MMIWG report in Gatineau, on June 3. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Genocide is foundational to Canada: What are we going to do about it?

Political scientists concern themselves with ideas of democracy. Now that Canada’s PM has accepted the finding of genocide, this changes how and what political scientists need to discuss.
Starvation, kidnapping and neglect policies add up to ongoing genocide. An eagle feather is held up during the release of the MMIWG report in Québec. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Colonial genocide is a composite act: A human rights analysis

The final MMIWG report says that genocide does not refer only to the deliberate murder of some or all members of a particular social group. It also refers to the destruction of a group as a social unit.
Lorelei Williams, right, whose cousin Tanya Holyk was murdered by serial killer Robert Pickton and aunt Belinda Williams went missing in 1978, wipes away tears while seated with Rhiannon Bennett, left, following the release of the report on the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

The MMIWG report: A call for decolonizing international law itself

The attempt to grapple with genocide by the MMIWG commission is about more than simply applying international law to the facts. It’s also about decolonizing the international law of genocide itself.
Lorelei Williams, whose cousin was murdered by serial killer Robert Pickton and whose aunt went missing in 1978, sheds tears while responding to the report on the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Canada’s MMIWG report spurs debate on the shifting definitions of genocide

Understanding genocide as a process can help people grapple with the ongoing threat faced by Indigenous people in Canada, as named in the report into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
Commissioner Michèle Audette speaks during ceremonies marking the release of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls report in Gatineau, Que., on June 3, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls: An epidemic on both sides of the Medicine Line

The United States could learn from Canada’s national attention being put on the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

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