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Todos os artigos de Paul Ryan

Exibindo 21 - 39 de 39 artigos

Lisa Schwetschenau, who has multiple sclerosis, shown in a photo in Omaha, Nebraska on March 16. She worries that she could lose some of her essential health benefits under the new proposed health care law. Nati Harnik/AP

Essential health benefits suddenly at center of health care debate, but what are they?

Essential health benefits under Obamacare are suddenly the center of controversy in the proposed replacement bill. If certain health benefits are so essential, why are they so loathed? Here’s a look.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fields questions from reporters in Dover, New Hampshire. Brian Snyder/Reuters

When covering elections, journalists face a debilitating dilemma

A partisan media landscape has made it almost impossible for journalists to avoid charges of bias when calling out a candidate’s dishonesty.
Representative Paul Ryan arrives to talk to the media after being nominated for speaker of the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill in Washington October 28 2015. Yuri Gripas/Reuters

What should we make of Paul Ryan’s fondness for Ayn Rand?

Saying that Ayn Rand had some useful economic and political ideas does not, however, compel Ryan to adopt her entire philosophy lock, stock and barrel.
One more SOTU to go Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

The State of the Union 2015 – theater, traditions, politics

Editor’s note: “The state of the union is good,” and the attitude of President Barack Obama in his annual speech to Congress was upbeat. Good economic news and no more election campaigns were the backdrop…
Despite all the talk of a new liberal America in the wake of Obama’s re-election, the economic debate has from both sides is staunchly conservative. AAP

US budget debate signals the death of optimistic liberalism

The Republican and Democratic budgets released last week share little common ground. But both illustrate the same point: for all the talk of a new liberal America in the wake of Barack Obama’s re-election…
Mitt Romney had everything in his favour heading into the election, but still managed to lose. EPA/Matt Campbell

The revenge of the 47%

This was Mitt Romney’s last best chance to be president of the United States of America. Romney had a relatively easy primary contest. All the other Republican candidates shot themselves in the foot by…
Vice President Joe Biden’s nonverbal cues did him no favours. EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

Biden laughs and loses the vice presidential debate

With more than 67 million people watching the first debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, the pressure was on Vice President Joseph Biden and Representative Paul Ryan to perform…
Can Paul Ryan match Mitt Romney’s achievement and score a win in the debate against his Democratic opponent? EPA/Shawn Thew

US vice presidential debate: Ryan and Biden square off

A vice president is usually brought in to complement the president’s vision and policies. However, this year, it was the Republican presidential candidates who had to tailor their own platforms to the…
Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s speech to his party’s convention last month attracted heavy scrutiny from political ‘fact-checkers’. EPA/Justin Lane

The lost cause of American political fact-checkers

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. – Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Political fact checkers seem to perform a vital public service for American democracy. Websites such as…
Comments from male politicians such as George Galloway have revealed cultural assumptions about rape that originate from some powerful myths about this sex crime.

Why ‘legitimate’ rape and other myths are alive and dangerous

When US Republican Todd Akin declared earlier this week that it is impossible or “really rare” for a woman to become pregnant as a result of a “legitimate rape” because “the female body has ways to try…
Mitt Romney’s running mate, Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan, has articulated a bold - if perhaps inefficient - vision for the US economy. AAP

Paul Ryan’s path to recovery – or renewed financial crisis?

Much ink has been spilled over the budget proposals advanced by Mitt Romney’s choice as Vice Presidential running mate, Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan. Acting as Chair of the House Budget Committee, Ryan…
Mitt Romney introduces Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

Saving Privat(izing) Ryan: Mitt Romney selects a running mate

On Saturday, August 11, “before the press and just about everyone else” was notified, the Mitt Romney campaign used a mobile phone app to inform supporters that Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan would be…

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