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Todos os artigos de Psychiatric conditions

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Postpartum depression affects approximately 1 in 8 mothers in the U.S. Postpartum psychosis is far more rare, occurring in about 1 in every 500 deliveries. Justin Paget/Stone via Getty Images

Rare and tragic cases of postpartum psychosis are bringing renewed attention to its risks and the need for greater awareness of psychosis after childbirth

Postpartum depression can strike days, weeks or months after delivery, and the much rarer cases of psychosis can be difficult to detect.
Ethical and equitable scientific collaboration could help increase the genetic diversity of genomic data. gmast3r/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Uncovering the genetic basis of mental illness requires data and tools that aren’t just based on white people – this international team is collecting DNA samples around the globe

Existing genetic data and sequencing tools are overwhelmingly based on people of European ancestry, which excludes much of the rich genetic variation of the world.
Psychedelics have been the subject of a recent surge of interest in their potential therapeutic effects. metamorworks/iStock via Getty Images

AI maps psychedelic ‘trip’ experiences to regions of the brain – opening new route to psychiatric treatments

Pinpointing the molecular targets behind the subjective effects of psychedelic drugs could help clinicians and researchers better treat psychiatric conditions.
Darren Spencer at a memorial for his childhood friend Saheed Vassell, a 34-year-old father of a teenage son, fatally shot by police in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, April 5, 2018. AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

To stop police shootings of people with mental health disabilities, I asked them what cops – and everyone – could do to help

Police are almost always the first responders in cases of mental health crisis. Too often these encounters turn bad, even deadly. But police were never meant to be in charge of US mental health care.
Legally mandated oversight bodies should be integral to post-apartheid consultative and cooperative governance.

South Africa’s mental health watchdogs must be given voice and teeth

The lives of South Africa’s most vulnerable remain in danger for as long as its mental health oversight bodies remain dysfunctional and disregarded.

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