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Todos os artigos de Stephen Conroy

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As of Friday no explanation for Stephen Conroy’s departure had emerged beyond his own comments about family. AAP/Mick Tsikas

The strange case of Stephen Conroy’s invisible resignation

Bill Shorten has lost a very important member of his praetorian guard, in an exit from parliament that came as a complete surprise and was executed in the strangest manner. Stephen Conroy, Labor’s deputy…
AFP commissioner Andrew Colvin said the government was only informed when raids relating to leaks about the NBN had started. AAP/Mick Tsikas

AFP commissioner Colvin defends timing of raids on Labor

AFP commissioner Andrew Colvin has defended police raids at the Melbourne office of Labor’s deputy Senate leader Stephen Conroy and the home of an ALP staffer.
Kevin Rudd is once again the Prime Minister of Australia. AAP/Alan Porritt

Rudd wins the game of thrones

Labor has finally made the decision it ought to have taken long ago, but the counter-revolution has been extremely bloody and there are bodies all over the place. Not only is there a new Prime Minister…
Media organisations should push for media rights and freedoms on a more regular basis, not only when they’re under threat. AAP/Lukas Coch

Media reforms: lessons from a narrow escape to a fragile freedom

It is just a week since the Gillard government withdrew the four media reform bills for which it could not garner the necessary support from the crossbench MPs. The proposal that concerned me most as a…
After Conroy’s media reforms failed to find any standing, where does media regulation go from here? AAP/Alan Porritt

Media reforms a historic opportunity missed

To get an idea of how big an opportunity the federal government missed with its shambolic attempt at media reform, consider this: the last federal minister to achieve any substantive reform of media self-regulation…
Stephen Conroy’s approach threatens Australia’s standing as a free, Western democracy. AAP/Lukas Coch

Conroy’s media reforms are too much stick, not enough carrot

It’s a great shame when political and commercial vested interests drown out compelling and principled arguments for free expression in this Australian media reform debate. First, I declare my own interest…
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy’s media reforms have been called an attack on freedom of speech, but is the criticism deserved? AAP/Lukas Coch

Media reform: hysterical attacks on weak Conroy suggestions tell the real story

The ongoing criticism in the major news media of Communication Minister Stephen Conroy’s very soft and watery proposed media reforms is predictable but still breathtaking. Conroy’s proposals go nowhere…
Senator Stephen Conroy did not have a mandate for significant change. AAP/Lukas Coch

Low-key Conroy proposals are media reform lite

Yesterday, communications minister Senator Stephen Conroy finally presented the government response to the Convergence Review and Finkelstein review. It is hard to know how many drafts of this long-awaited…
Stephen Conroy is still to bring media policy to cabinet. AAP/Lukas Coch

The paucity of information overload

It might not be a front line issue, but media policy is a significant election year debate. Communications Minister Stephen Conroy is still committed to bringing a submission to cabinet in coming weeks…
Porn often gets the blame for violence against women. Flickr/Duncan

Porn doesn’t lead to rape culture

Communication Minister Stephen Conroy’s recent decision not to impose a mandatory internet filter on sexually explicit content is a welcome injection of realism into the frequently febrile discussion of…
Former Federal court judge Roy Finkelstein (centre) has delivered his media inquiry report. AAP/Dean Lewins

Finkelstein inquiry report cause for ‘cautious optimism’

It was a pleasant surprise that the independent Australian media inquiry, examining print, online and the role of the self-regulatory body, the Australian Press Council, was, for the most part, a satisfying…
NBN Co chief Mike Quigley and Stephen Conroy still face many tough tasks. AAP

It’s no secret, the NBN’s been left to tender mercies

The news that NBN Co has found a way to move forward from the crucial cost-of-construction issue must have surely lifted the Gillard Government’s spirits. NBN Co, the government-owned corporation in charge…

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