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Todos os artigos de Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group

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A report has recommended an overhaul of the way teacher education courses are accredited, but will that translate to success in the classroom? AAP

Changes to teaching degrees are no guarantee of success for kids

The Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group report released today has much to live up to. After all, there have been a couple of dozen reports into teacher education over the past three decades. Is…
Are teaching graduates well enough prepared to enter the classroom? AAP

A teaching degree can’t prepare you for absolutely everything

Two reports released this week highlight that many teaching graduates don’t feel their university studies are sufficient to get them work-ready. A report released by ACER (Australian Council for Educational…
Do teachers’ grades affect how well they can teach? AAP

ATAR scores only part of the picture for teaching

A common debate has resurfaced over teacher quality and the quality of teacher education in Australia. This time it was started by a leaked draft report into teacher education from the Australian Institute…

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