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Todos os artigos de Vaccine mandates

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The psychosocial impact of the pandemic and responses to it have been immense, but the Canadian government’s approach to COVID-19 remains divisive. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Restoring community dialogue and resilience: The next COVID-19 emergency

Canada’s ‘us against them’ COVID-19 strategy is amplifying social division, creating major psychosocial impacts, and has resulted in a significant decrease in trust toward authorities.
A ‘Freedom Convoy’ has been protesting vaccine mandates at Parliament Hill, but most Canadians don’t share their views on COVID-19 restrictions. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Majority of Canadians disagree with ‘freedom convoy’ on vaccine mandates and lockdowns

Most Canadians support government measures to help control the spread of COVID-19, according to a public opinion study. But they’re growing weary of the pandemic.
A woman stops to take a photo of signs attached to the fence around Parliament as the trucker protest continues in Ottawa. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Is GoFundMe violating its own terms of service on the ‘freedom convoy?’

GoFundMe claims it won’t fund campaigns that promote hate or misinformation. So why is it backing the so-called freedom convoy that’s currently causing so much incendiary disruption in Ottawa?
A sign reads ‘Assassin Trudeau’ but the letters S in assassin are replaced with SS, abbreviation of Schutzstaffel, the black-uniformed self-described “political soldiers” of the Nazi Party. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

‘Freedom convoy’ rolls through Ottawa encouraging the participation of Canada’s far-right

At a time when the nation should be fighting against structural violence, resources and attention are being given to a cause that doesn’t deserve it.
Health-care workers watch from a window as demonstrators gather outside Toronto General Hospital in September 2021 to protest against COVID-19 vaccines, mandates and restrictions. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Politicizing COVID-19 vaccination efforts has fuelled vaccine hesitancy

The antagonism driven by political interference in COVID-19 vaccination is fuelling hesitancy. Mass vaccination campaigns require public buy-in via trusted health-care providers and community leaders.
People gather to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and masking measures during a rally in Kingston, Ont., in November 2021. Ottawa’s proposals to bypass publishing vaccine mandate guidelines goes against the principles of good governance. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Lars Hagberg

Everyone should be concerned if the federal government bypasses the Canada Gazette

In a time-honoured tradition of Canadian democracy, government regulations become public when they appear in the Canada Gazette. That’s why Ottawa’s proposal to bypass that step is so troublesome.
Around the world, from Italy to Québec, authorities are using everything from mandates to incentives to try to get people vaccinated. Here’s why mandates aren’t always effective, are difficult to enforce and often lead to protests like the one seen here in Rome. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Carrots, sermons, sticks: Vaccine mandates face opposition around the globe

Having exhausted policy tools to convince vaccination holdouts to change their minds, it seems little can be gained from additional vaccine mandates than further weakening social cohesion.
People gather in Kingston, Ont., to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and masking measures on Nov. 14, 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Lars Hagberg 

COVID-19 vaccine mandates would likely face legal hurdles in Canada

Can the government mandate vaccines? Canadians have rights to make decisions about vaccination, but these rights are not absolute, and do not mean those decisions will have no consequences.

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