10 ways we are different
The Conversation is an independent source of news, analysis and expert opinion, written by academics and researchers, and delivered direct to the public.
- We are a not-for-profit organisation serving the public good. We believe reliable information is the lifeblood of healthy democracy.
- All our articles are written by academics and researchers. Authors work with professional journalists who help them share their knowledge, at a time when people need it and in a way that it can be easily understood.
- We are committed to ethical journalism, with a strict Editorial Charter and codes of conduct. We are transparent: every author discloses their expertise, funding, and conflicts of interest.
- We don’t hide our mistakes. Errors are corrected promptly and prominently to remove misinformation from the public record.
- All our content is free to read and republish under Creative Commons.
- We actively disseminate our content to more than 22,000 sites worldwide. That gives our content a global reach of 42 million readers a month, and growing.
- We are a global knowledge project, with staff based in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, US, Africa, Indonesia, France and Spain working with more than 148,000 specialist scholars and researchers.
- We avoid conflicts of interest and funders have no say over editorial decisions.
- We are funded by universities, research institutes and corporates, as well as foundations and reader donations.
- We support a healthy media ecosystem by providing ideas and media-ready experts with a focus on solutions.
With your support we can check more facts, report more research and provide more informed explanations of complex problems.