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Articles on Central African Republic (CAR)

Displaying 1 - 20 of 62 articles

A woman at a a counselling centre for rape victims in Paoua, 500km northwest of Bangui in the CAR. Photo by Barbara Debout/AFP via Getty Images

Wagner, conflict and poverty drive Central African Republic death rate above crisis levels: but where’s the aid?

The birth rate was lower and the death rate markedly higher in areas outside government control in the Central African Republic.
Devastation: much of central Khartoum has been destroyed in heavy fighting. EPA-EFE/Indonesian Embassy KBRI Khartoum

Sudan: questions about Wagner Group involvement as another African country falls prey to Russian mercenaries

The role of the Wagner Group in the Sudan crisis is not yet clear, but its mercenaries are reported to be involved in a number of African countries.
Un véhicule blindé russe de transport de troupes dans les rues de Bangui. Crédit photo Camille Laffont/AFP via Getty Images

Ce qu’il faut pour mettre un terme à la guerre civile en République centrafricaine

Ce n’est qu’en accordant la priorité aux aspects civils de la gouvernance, tels que l'éducation et la santé, que l'État sera protégé des rébellions susceptibles de remettre en cause son pouvoir.

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