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Articles on Peter Dutton

Displaying 321 - 340 of 348 articles

Peter Dutton said Australia was not a party to the case and the finding did not alter its border protection policies. Lukas Coch/AAP

PNG asylum seeker judgment doesn’t bind Australia: Dutton

The Australian government says it will not allow any asylum seekers on Manus Island to come here, after PNG’s Supreme Court ruled it was illegal to detain them there.
Why do some people reach for the word “witch” to describe the women around them? Heks op de bezem, Kees Groeneveld, 1959.

Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history

Why did Peter Dutton choose ‘witch’ when describing Samantha Maiden? The word has a long history of misogyny – particularly towards outspoken or powerful women.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets with his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Kuala Lumpur. EPA/Ahmad Yusni

Turnbull resists pressure to put Dutton on national security committee

Federal cabinet’s national security committee meets on Monday, as Malcolm Turnbull continues to resist pressure from the Liberal right to make Peter Dutton a permanent member of it.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton hopes that pressure from his political allies will see him resume a seat on cabinet’s national security committee. Lukas Coch/AAP

Cabinet’s national security committee – an uber group for ministers

The push to try to get Immigration Minister Peter Dutton onto Cabinet’s national security committee (NSC) can be seen, apart from anything else, as something of a power play by the Liberal right.
The message that terrorism is exceptional and egregious will be compromised if the current citizenship revocation bill becomes law. AAP/Dan Peled

Bill relies on legal fiction of self-executing law to revoke citizenship

Multiple concerns have been raised about the citizenship-stripping bill’s inattention to human rights, its differential impact upon dual and sole nationals, and its potential application to persons who commit relatively minor crimes.
Tony Abbott wouldn’t say whether ‘by hook or by crook’ included paying thousands of dollars to turn back a recent boat bound for New Zealand. AAP/David Moir

Abbott won’t say whether Australia paid people smugglers to turn boat around

Tony Abbott declared on Friday that Australia stopped the people smuggling boats “by hook or by crook”. What Abbott wouldn’t say is whether “by hook or by crook” included paying thousands of dollars to…
A crew of people smugglers have alleged that an Australian official paid them to return a boatload of asylum seekers to Indonesia. AAP/Customs

Is it an offence if Australians pay people smugglers to turn back?

If Australian officials did pay off people smugglers, has the government effectively joined the people smuggling trade? Has it broken any laws?
Peter Dutton has proven why he should not be given sole power under the government’s proposed new law to revoke the citizenship of dual nationals involved in terrorist activities. AAP/Dave Hunt

Brandis and Dutton play some dirty pool in their fight with Gillian Triggs

Last Friday, Attorney-General George Brandis and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton issued an extraordinary statement declaring that the president of the Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs, needed…
The Abbott government has announced a plan to strip dual nationals involved in terrorism of their Australian citizenship. AAP/Lukas Coch

Proposals to strip citizenship take Australia a step further than most

A number of countries – including Canada, France, the US and the UK – allow for the deprivation of citizenship on national security grounds. But the scope of ministerial discretion varies significantly.
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Philip Ruddock at parliament house on Tuesday. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott gets push back on part of his radical citizenship plan

The government will soon introduce legislation to give the immigration minister wide discretionary power to strip Australian citizenship from dual nationals involved in terrorist activities.
Detecting migration fraud remains a massive challenge for minister Peter Dutton’s Department of Immigration. AAP/Paul Miller

Australia needs resources, not more laws, to beat migration fraud

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has asked for an urgent review into the circumstances of two Sydney men, Omar Al-Kutobi and Mohammad Kiad, who are accused of plotting a terrorist attack on Australian…

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