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Articles on Ancient history

Displaying 61 - 80 of 102 articles

An equestrian statue of a Julio-Claudian prince, originally identified as Caligula. ©Trustees of the British Museum: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.

Mythbusting Ancient Rome – Caligula’s Horse

The emperor Caligula lavished attention on his favourite horse Incitatus, holding parties for friends in the steed’s grand stables. But did he make his horse a consul?
Ostraka from classical Athens nominating the persons of Kallias and Megakles. Cycladic Art Museum, Athens, Greece/Wikimedia Commons

Lessons from ancient Athens: the art of exiling your enemies

For the first time in recent memory the possibility of imprisoning political rivals has entered the political discourse of a modern western election. But ostracism is an ancient democratic tradition that offers an alternative approach.
The Temple of Apollo at Delphi, where the wisdom of the oracle was dispensed. Janet Lackey/flickr

Friday essay: secrets of the Delphic Oracle and how it speaks to us today

Cicero asked: ‘how to become famous?’ Nero sought to know the timing of his death. The Oracle at Delphi offered pronouncements on all manner of topics - yet as with Google today, the question posed was as important as the answer.
‘Alcibiades on his Knees Before his Mistress’ by Lagrenee.

The one Trump comparison you haven’t heard yet

A classics professor writes that Trump’s raucous campaign style is nothing new. He introduces us to a chariot-racing statesman from ancient Athens who may have given Trump a run for his money.
Daviegunn/Wikimedia commons

Three ancient cities to rival London, Paris and New York

It can be difficult to imagine that the antiquities in our museums were once a part of vibrant and cosmopolitan cities. Let our expert take you on a tour of three cities to rival today’s global hubs.
National Theatre of Wales

Why Homer belongs on Netflix

Classical epic can seem particularly alien in the instant gratification culture of Instagram and Twitter, yet there’s a surge of interest in them.
‘Doctor, whenever I get up I feel dizzy for half an hour.’ ‘Then wait for half an hour before getting up.’ Alexander the Great trust to physician Phillip, Henryk Siemiradzki

Five things the ancient Greeks can teach us about medicine today

Medicine has changed beyond recognition in the last 2,000 years. So why should we still care what the founders of Western medicine thought?

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