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Articles on City region devolution

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Since May 2024, an elected mayor of the north-east has been leading a new authority spanning Northumberland, Tyne & Wear and County Durham. Gary Calton/Alamy

Inequality is dividing England. Is devolution the answer?

Years of political turbulence, economic shocks and the failure to ‘level up’ as pledged have turned English devolution into a key political and constitutional issue
While state and territory leaders will be partners, Malcolm Turnbull’s government intends to be the driver of a national policy for Australia’s cities. AAP/Lukas Coch

New name, new look for latest national urban policy, but same old problem

The Turnbull government’s cities policy is the latest incarnation of ‘the-Commonwealth-knows-best’ approach, with little regard for whether urban issues are best resolved at the metropolitan level.

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