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Public health – Analysis and Comment

The hidden costs of affordable housing in the outer suburbs include poorer access to services and long hours of commuting. AAP/David Crosling

An environmentally just city works best for all in the end

Australian cities should be made to work for all inhabitants. This involves evenly spreading the disadvantages of industrial and commercial activities as well as the advantages of good access to services.
Blister-packs of the contraceptive drug Diane-35. In Kenya, millions of women do not have access to contraception methods. Reuters/Regis Duvignau

Kenya needs a new plan to make contraceptives accessible again

Contraception gives women the choice of how many children to have and when to have them. This empowers them - but millions of women in Kenya do not have this choice.
Health technology such as apps is changing doctor and patient interaction for the better. Intel Free Pass/flickr

How new technologies are shaking up health care

New tests and drugs have always impacted health care. But completely different kinds of emerging technologies will soon radically alter how health care is both accessed and delivered.
If achieved, the huge task of cleaning up India will significantly contribute to improving public health. Piyal Adhilary/EPA/AAP

Modi’s health agenda fit to walk not run

India’s Modi-led progress on sanitation, rivers and life insurance is overshadowed by the need for a professionally staffed public health service.