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Articles sur anti-tank weapons

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In war, it’s not the size or sophistication of the technology, but how it’s used – especially in combinations. Elena Tita/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images

Lesson from a year at war: In contrast to the Russians, Ukrainians master a mix of high- and low-end technology on the battlefield

A year ago, the Ukrainian military was largely equipped with Soviet-era weapons. It has since seen an influx of high-tech weapons. But it’s less what than how that’s made a difference.
Javelin anti-tank missiles, T-72 tanks and Bayraktar TB2 drones are just some of the weapons that other nations have sent to Ukraine. Getty Images, Associated Press, Wikimedia Commons, U.S. Department of Defense

Ukraine receives weapons support from around the world

An arms trade expert explains the wide variety of military aid nations around the world have sent to Ukraine.
In this March 4, 2022, photograph, Ukrainian soldiers stand guard outside the train station in Irpin, Ukraine. Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times

In 2014, the ‘decrepit’ Ukrainian army hit the refresh button. Eight years later, it’s paying off

Though the Russian army dwarfs the strength of the Ukrainian army, the underdog has managed to resist during the early days of the Russian invasion. Military reforms are part of the reason.

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