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Articles sur Somalia

Affichage de 141 à 160 de 181 articles

Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo (right) with outgoing President Hassan Sheik Mohamud. EPA/Said Yusuf Warsame

Al-Shabaab: Should the Somali president open talks with the terror group?

If Al-Shabaab maintains its hard stance, the possibility for dialogue will continue to be remote and Somalia’s government will be forced to intensify the war on terror through new strategies.
Sorting bags of food dropped by air from a World Food Programme plane in Padeah, South Sudan, March 1, 2017. AP Photo/Sam Mednick

Famines in the 21st century? It’s not for lack of food

At a time when poverty and hunger levels are declining around the world, famine is recurring, driven by conflicts and natural disasters. But timely action by governments and aid groups can save lives.
Rwandan President Paul Kagame attending a 2016 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco. Mohamed Messara/EPA

How the relationship between Rwanda and Trump’s America could change

A Trump presidency brings into question America’s traditional approach to Africa, especially Rwanda. But a true shift in US foreign policy in Africa is not a priority for the Trump administration.
Demonstrators outside Terminal 5 of Chicago’s O'Hare airport on Jan. 29, 2017. AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

The best legal arguments against Trump’s immigration ban

A constitutional scholar considers the legal arguments that could undo Trump’s executive order barring travel by residents of seven Muslim majority countries.
Fidel Castro poured troops into Ethiopia’s war with Somalia after describing Siad Barre as “above all a chauvinist”. Reuters/Prensa Latina

Castro’s troubled legacy in the Horn of Africa: hero or villain?

Many Ethiopians regard Castro as the man who saved their country. Somalis view him as the man who denied them the Greater Somalia re-union
A campaign poster of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in the streets of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu during the 2012 election period. Reuters/Feisal Omar

The challenges of holding an election in Somalia

Despite complications and challenges, elections in Somalia promise to be a game changer.
Participants in the Finote Hiwot project to end child, early and forced marriage in Ethiopia. Department for International Development/Jessica Lea

How decent data can help African girls overcome second class status

A number of African states are taking positive steps to combat violence against girls and child marriage. But social and cultural barriers can nullify national laws and strategies.
Somalia security escort Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni’s convoy to a regional summit in Mogadishu, the first in 35 years. Reuters/Feisal Omar

Has Shabaab been weakened for good? The answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no’

Al Shabaab is facing stress under increased pressure from the government and the regional states. But it should also be noted that predictions of its collapse have come and gone before
Mohamed Noor (left) and Huda Omar pose for a photograph during their wedding ceremony in Mogadishu, a picture at odds with the city’s reputation. Reuters/Feisal Omar

The Mayor of Mogadishu: what you get when African cliché is dropped

The Mayor of Mogadishu tells the story of Somalia with a personal and very human touch without losing sight of complex national and international political dimensions.

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