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Articles sur Weight loss surgery

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Eating disorders are very hard to treat, and those who have them often severely limit their food intake. VGstockstudio/

Eating disorders are hard to overcome, but ditching diets is crucial

In a diet-obsessed culture, eating disorders pose a severe threat. While the reasons for the disorders are varied, a consistent approach in treatment can help people stop dieting and feel safe.
The Wizard of Oz promised results he could not deliver but was convincing in his presentation. Diet wizards have done the same for decades. Insomnia Cured Here/

New medical advances marking the end of a long reign for ‘diet wizards’

Dieting fads have been around for more than a century, but none of them has been shown to curb obesity long-term. The good news is that scientific evidence is revealing treatments that do work.
Metabolism can change after weight loss. Women measuring waist image via

Why so many people regain weight after dieting

Weight loss often leads to declines in our resting metabolic rate – how many calories we burn at rest – which makes it hard to keep the weight off. So why does weight loss make resting metabolism go down?

Nutritional deficiencies risk in obese teens

Severely obese teenagers are likely to suffer nutritional deficiencies regardless of whether they have had weight loss surgery…

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