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Articles on US Schools

Displaying 21 - 40 of 47 articles

The scene of the latest – but likely not the last – U.S. school shooting. AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Most school shooters get their guns from home – and during the pandemic, the number of firearms in households with teenagers went up

A 15-year-old sophomore killed four students in a Michigan school attack. The gun he used was purchased by his father just four days earlier.
School boycott picketers march across the Brooklyn Bridge to the Board of Education in 1964. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images

Fighting school segregation didn’t take place just in the South

In the 1950s, Harlem mother Mae Mallory fought a school system that she saw as ‘just as Jim Crow’ as the one she had attended in the South.
California is implementing universal screenings for childhood trauma. wavebreakmedia/

How universal childhood trauma screenings could backfire

Universal screenings for childhood trauma, like the ones being implemented for California students, may cause more harm than good, a scholar argues.
Yoga classes are becoming more prevalent in America’s schools. Africa Studio /

Are yoga and mindfulness in schools religious?

Yoga and mindfulness are becoming more prevalent in America’s public schools. But are they subtly promoting religion? A scholar who has served as an expert witness in several yoga cases weighs in.
Teachers rally outside the Arizona Capitol in April 2018 during a strike over low salaries. Matt York/AP

Are America’s teachers really underpaid?

A presidential candidate wants to use federal funds to boost teacher pay. Is the proposal justified or is it just pandering to teacher unions to get votes? An education scholar provides perspective.
Textbooks often do a poor job when it comes to teaching students about slavery in the U.S. Dusan Pavlic from

3 ways to improve education about slavery in the US

A former social studies teacher lists three ways educators and others can better understand the difficult subject of slavery in the US, including a way to hear directly from freed slaves themselves.

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