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Todos os artigos de Cambodia

Exibindo 61 - 66 de 66 artigos

Foreign minister Julie Bishop has reportedly asked the Cambodian government if it would resettle some of the asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat. EPA/Mak Remissa

Why resettling asylum seekers in Cambodia is fraught with risk

Amid the ongoing bad news about Manus Island has come the revelation that the Australian government has approached Cambodia with a view to resettling some asylum seekers in the impoverished nation. So…
Running out of time: Khmer Rouge defendant Nuon Chea. Wikimedia Commons

Cambodia hurries to prosecute ageing Khmer Rouge leaders

More than 30 years after they were deposed, the leaders of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge are on trial in the country they once ruled. The body set up to prosecute them, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts…
Cambodian garment workers fight with police in protests that saw four killed. Heng Sinith/AP

Cambodian sweatshop protests reveal the blood on our clothes

In the past week, violence has hit several industrial areas in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where hundreds of thousands garment workers started protesting against unfair working conditions. They are demanding…

New bird species discovered in Cambodia

A new species of bird has been discovered in Phnom Penh, the a capital city of Cambodia. The Cambodian tailorbird has a distinct…
The Mekong in Xayaburi Province, Laos – the site of a proposed dam. But what will happen to biodiversity and people? Flickr/International Rivers.

Rhino horn and tiger blood: conservation in the Mekong

When Australians think of the Mekong they think cheap holidays or Vietnamese restaurants. Biodiversity-wise however, the Mekong is a frontier, a place where biological riches collide with human pressure…
The rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways has involved the forced relocation of many families that live along the railway line. Neil Rickards

Beyond aid numbers: accountability for human rights abuses

In the lead-up to the federal government’s decision to delay the promised increase in the aid budget, a CARE Australia survey found strong public support for Australia’s international aid program. From…

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