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Todos os artigos de Commission of Audit

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The Commission of Audit, led by Tony Shepherd, has recommended radical changes to the way we do government in Australia. AAP/Lukas Coch

We need a leaner, meaner public service: Commission of Audit

The Commission of Audit’s report, released yesterday, sets out a radical blueprint for the role of government, the scope of its activities and how it goes about getting things done. For the most part there…
The Commission of Audit made much of the affordability of Australia’s core areas of social spending without any consideration of our social responsibilities. AAP/Tom Compagnoni

The Commission of Audit wants to rip up Australia’s social contract

The recommendations in the Commission of Audit’s report, which was released yesterday, would, if implemented, erode the fundamental building blocks of Australia’s social contract. The social contract…
Commission chair Tony Shepherd has missed an opportunity to spark a genuine budget reform conversation. Lukas Coch/AAP

Commission of Audit fails to consider costs and benefits

There are some good ideas in the Commission of Audit report. Unfortunately they’re buried in so much else that it’s hard to find them. For a report focused on the costs and benefits of government, it shows…

Commission of Audit at a glance

Some of the Commission of Audit’s 86 recommendations could potentially re-shape Australia. How do they stack up against the Coalition’s promises?
Prime Minister Tony Abbott has already been forced to cut back his signature paid parental leave policy. AAP/Julian Smith

Grattan on Friday: Abbott set to follow Gillard into a tax trap

The Abbott government is like the farmer supposed to be burning a paddock of stubble who ends up with the whole property in flames. Maybe it will be able to pull things together in the May 13 budget but…
For general patients, the minimum co-payment would be A$15. Shutterstock

GP co-payments: a triple fail for the Commission of Audit

The Commission of Audit’s proposals about GP co-payments are just that, proposals. They are not government policy, nor should they be. Some aspects of the Commission’s recommendations are good. But the…
University of Newcastle Vice-Chancellor Caroline McMillen says the government should look at the evidence before implementing the Commission of Audit’s recommendation to deregulate university fees. Supplied

The government should think hard before deregulating university fees

The National Commission of Audit released yesterday has made a recommendation to government in line with proposals from some Group of Eight vice-chancellors that university fees should be deregulated…
The chair of the Commission of Audit, Tony Shepherd, on the release of the report today. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

What about science in the Commission of Audit report?

The message from the federal government’s Commission of Audit is loud and clear: science, research and education are expenses to be trimmed rather than investments to be nurtured. Yes, there are few big…
The Commission report recommends private health insurers take on a greater role in Australia’s health system. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Commission of Audit’s health hit list: experts respond

The National Commission of Audit has made 86 recommendations with a focus on the federal government’s 15 biggest and fastest-growing areas of spending. Health is near the top of the list, with the Commission…
The Commission of Audit has recommended a major recalibration of Australia’s federal system. Why? AAP/Alan Porritt

Will the Commission of Audit lead to another ‘new federalism’?

The Commission of Audit has not flinched from making a tranche of bold recommendations to the Abbott government, but nothing in its report trumps the call for the Commonwealth to withdraw from areas that…
People are justified in spending more time out of the workforce. Image sourced from

The argument for changing the age pension doesn’t stack up

The National Commission of Audit recommends a number of changes to the age pension that boil down to smaller increases over time, older eligibility and tighter means-testing. It’s all based on the claim…
The Commission of Audit report has recommended sweeping spending cuts for the government to consider for its May 13 budget. AAP/Alan Porritt

Commission of Audit report released: experts respond

The National Commission of Audit has made 86 recommendations with a focus on the federal government’s 15 biggest and fastest-growing areas of spending. The result is proposals for sweeping spending cuts…
The government will consider newly released recommendations from the Commission of Audit, which has suggested stringent cuts across the board. AAP/Lukas Coch

Commission of Audit lays path for deep cuts

Heavy on warnings that “business as usual” will leave future generations of Australians saddled with excessive debt, the National Commission of Audit has delivered the government a comprehensive platform…
Confidence will be shaken if it becomes acceptable for governments to jack up taxes because they don’t approve of previous policies. AAP/Alan Porritt

Australia does not have a debt crisis – so just say no, Joe

In the lead-up to the federal budget on May 13 there have been the usual test balloons floated by the government. Raise the aged-pension eligibility age? A $6 co-pay for GP visits? Cuts to the ABC? And…
Even as Australia is preparing for deep budget cuts, a new book questions the basic theory of economic growth.

We don’t need 19th century inequality to achieve 21st century growth

The Coalition government is currently rehearsing a well-honed rhetoric on “everyone having to do the heavy lifting” to justify Treasurer Joe Hockey’s slash and burn budget on social services and pension…
What’s the ideal tax system and where do tax expenditures fit in? Image sourced from

Getting tax expenditures right is a game of hypotheticals

In recent days it’s been suggested the Commission of Audit should look at so-called tax expenditures as well as government spending as traditionally defined. Writing in the Australian Financial Review…

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