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Todos os artigos de Family Court

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Women’s reports of domestic violence are widely rejected by family courts. The Image Bank/Getty Images

Victims of domestic abuse find no haven in family courts

Family courts’ hostility – both in the US and abroad – toward claims of paternal or spousal abuse has been widely reported. Now there’s an in-depth study that documents that hostility.
The Australian Law Reform Commission handed down it’s report on changes to the family law system on April 10. Shutterstock

New report charts future of the family law system

The Australian Law Reform Commission’s report makes a radical new suggestion that federal family courts be abolished. It also recommends changes to laws concerning parenting and property division.
Our research found that children place the most emphasis on issues such as having the Family Court process and the roles of key players explained to them, and on being heard. Cindy Zhi NY-BD-CC

In the Family Court, children say they want the process explained and their views heard. It’s time we listened

In the Family Court, respecting what matters to children can help determine how sustainable and workable the arrangements are. Research shows
Families going through breakdown need understanding, but so do lawmakers trying to find fair outcomes from complex laws. Shutterstock

No simple solution when families meet the law

Adding to the trauma of a relationship breaking down, families can find themselves caught in a tangle of state and commonwealth laws.

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