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Todos os artigos de Flu

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A CDC scientist measures the amount of H7N9 avian flu virus grown in a lab. James Gathany/CDC/Handout via REUTERS

3 ways the US should prepare for the next flu pandemic

Science has come a long way in the 100 years since the worst flu pandemic in history. But that doesn’t mean that the country is ready for another health disaster.
Donnie Cardenas, on bed, waits with his roommate Torrey Jewett at Palomar Medical Center in Escondido, Calif., Jan. 10, 2018. Cardenas had the flu. AP Photo/Greg Bull

4 things you need to know right now to protect yourself from the flu

The flu is not only making millions of people sick this year. It’s causing fear and, along with it, a lot of confusion. Should you get a flu shot? Should you see the doctor? An expert advises.
Vaccines for the flu offer mediocre coverage compared with those for other diseases. PLRANG ART/Shutterstock

Here’s why the 2017 flu season was so bad

A better vaccine could have reduced the rates of flu, but not the high-dose Fluzone vaccine doctors were touting at the start of the week.
When the H3N2 strain dominates, we see bigger flu seasons and cases affecting the elderly more than the young. from

This may not be the ‘biggest flu season on record’, but it is a big one – here are some possible reasons

By mid-August, the 2017 year had recorded more flu notifications across Australia than the previous five years. So why is the flu season so bad this time around?
Computers may play an important role in preparing us for the next viral outbreak – whether flu or Ebola. UW Institute for Protein Design

Designing antiviral proteins via computer could help halt the next pandemic

This antivirus software protects health, not computers. Researchers are beginning to combat deadly infections using computer-generated antiviral proteins – a valuable tool to fight a future pandemic.
Flu vaccination uptake rates are low in adults, including among those who work in health, aged care and childcare. from

Millions of Australian adults are unvaccinated and it’s increasing disease risk for all of us

Most immunisation campaigns continue to primarily focus on infants and children, but almost 4 million Australian adults are not vaccinated against preventable diseases.

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