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Todos os artigos de GTA

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Toronto school board data reveals that Black, racialized and lower-income students face significant gaps in student outcomes. Nik Shuliahin /Unsplash

Racialized student achievement gaps are a red-alert

In examining and addressing opportunity gaps for racialized students in schools, school boards must learn to account for present-day and historical inequities.
Young people in temporary or continuing care need to be provided with educational enrichment programs to help identify learning challenges, remediate education deficits and foster a sense of connectedness. Shutterstock

Youth leaving state care need education support

Amid long-standing societal and policy issues that need to be addressed, young people in care deserve special consideration and focused attention regarding how to meet their educational needs.
Children in the Willows forest nature program in the Humber Valley in west Toronto are drawn to water and sticks, simple materials for exploring and investigating. Here the children explore water accumulated from spring rains. (Louise Zimanyi)

Wonder and wisdom in a children’s forest nature program

When parents walk in the forest with their children and us and see how children are drawn to spiral snails, together we see how connections with the land are critical for the Earth’s future.
Canadians seem not to want to talk about race and racism, deferring instead to ‘income’ and immigration status when it comes to measuring education success. LeonardoBurgos /Unsplash

Why won’t Canada collect data on race and student success?

News of Canada’s successful immigrant students glosses over important stories of racism, for example the ‘streaming’ of Black males. But without more data beyond Toronto, the story is hard to share.
The fact that parents may be physically absent from schools does not mean they are disinterested in their children’s academic and professional success. Muhammad Rizwan/Unsplash

Too busy for the PTA, but working-class parents care

Working class parents may be too busy to attend high school events, but they take an active role in their children’s success.
Density is an idea sold to us by corporate developers who want to build on every last bit of green space. To fully enjoy our city now and for the future, we need more public green space.

Toronto needs more beauty in its waterfront designs

As Toronto hurtles towards its population dense future, the making of significant green communities for its waterfront needs to be urgently considered.

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