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Todos os artigos de Henry Review

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Ken Henry at the Tax Forum: talkfest or useful? AAP

Missed anything from the Tax Forum? Catch up here…

So the Tax Forum is done and dusted. Was it simply a talk-fest? Or a useful exchange of ideas? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, if you missed anything, don’t despair: we’ve collected some of…
Carers lose out in the current welfare system. Flickr/dominikgolenia

Tax Forum: Make the social security system fair

Almost 50 cents of every dollar spent by governments in Australia goes on social spending - either social security or health and community services. This week’s tax forum must reform the system, as the…
A Universities Australia report estimates that implementing the Bradley Review’s vision would add 5.6% to national productivity levels by 2040 and 6.4% to Australia’s GDP. Flickr/iansand

Hiking uni funding beats NBN as a GDP booster: report

Implementing the vision of a government report that called for more university funding could boost Australia’s national productivity levels by 5.6% by 2040, according to a study commissioned by a university…
Many of Ken Henry’s changes have been adopted, but is it reform? AAP

Carbon tax a step towards reform, but working mothers miss out

At first glance, the Federal Government’s carbon tax plan appears to carry out significant income tax rate reform in the guise of carbon price compensation. Indeed, the proposed tax rate reforms adopt…
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Climate Change Minister Greg Combet address a press conference on Sunday. A carbon tax package announced today includes compensation measures and a radical overhaul of income tax policy. ABC News24

The carbon tax: the experts respond

The Australian government announced on Sunday it would introduce a carbon tax at $23 a tonne next July, rising 2.5% annually plus inflation and moving to a market-based emissions trading scheme in 2015…
Treasury Secretary Dr Martin Parkinson has said boosting Australia’s productivity is essential. AAP

Act on productivity now or see decades of reform go to waste

In his address to the Economic and Social Outlook Conference last week, Treasury Secretary Dr Martin Parkinson called for a renewed focus on boosting Australia’s falling productivity to ensure living standards…
Does the budget lessen or deepen the male-female divide?

Tax, women and the Henry Review

The Budget: What does it have to do with tax reform? This year’s budget claims to “progress the government’s tax reform agenda, improving fairness and integrity in the tax system”. Does it? The short answer…
Significant: Ken Henry’s tax review deserves to be on the national agenda. AAP

Put Henry Review reforms back on political agenda

The Henry Review released in May last year provided the Commonwealth and state governments with a wealth of good ideas for reform, yet so far the political processes have failed to deliver reforms. Why…

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