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Todos os artigos de Leadership spill

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Mick Tsikas/AAP

Behave as a team, Morrison tells the troops

Addressing Tuesday’s Coalition party room, Morrison called for unity, reminding members they were not there as a team, and declaring the government had a “contract” with the Australian people.
Can Scott Morrison maintain the image of separation from the Canberra elite, given he’s its most powerful member? AAP/The Conversation

Grattan on Friday: Courting ‘quiet Australians’ from ‘bubble central’, it’s been a remarkable first year for Scott Morrison

After 12 months as prime minister, Morrison looks the strong leader, clearly in charge, with few constraints. But will he make a substantial entry in the history book of Australian prime ministers?
Scott Morrison’s personal ratings have also worsened, in a poll that. comes in the wake of his intensive week of campaigning in the key state of Queensland. Dan Peled/AAP

Government falls further behind – Labor leads 55-45% in Newspoll

The Newspolls have been consistently worse for the Coalition since the leadership change – before that Labor had been cut back to a narrow 51-49% lead.
It’s hard to read the recent felling of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as anything other than an act of revenge by Tony Abbott and his closest supporters. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Australian politics and the psychology of revenge

The psychology of revenge and how shame and humiliation can cause chaos in Australian politics.
Well, anyone who bullied or was fine with such conduct should do this: go to your local high school and explain to the kids why bullying shouldn’t be in their tool kit but is needed in yours. Joel Carrett/AAP

Grattan on Friday: The high costs of our destructive coup culture

While a particular coup may have its justifications, when you look at a clutch of them, they’re bad for the country and for the political system.
Malcolm Turnbull is facing a difficult set of economic circumstances. AAP Image/Sam Mooy

Turnbull inherits an economy battered by global headwinds

What can Turnbull do to deliver the kind of outstanding economic leadership he says Australia needs? His first step will be to acknowledge the economic problems Australia is currently facing.
Is the decision to re-install Kevin Rudd as leader of the ALP and of the country an affront to Australian democracy? AAP/Alan Porritt

Once bitten, twice shy: Labor again betrays the Australian people

The decision by the Labor caucus to minimise the electoral damage in September and return Kevin Rudd to the party leadership was short-sighted and ultimately self-destructive. More importantly, it operated…
While she may look elsewhere, ultimately Julia Gillard has no-one to blame for her political demise but herself. AAP/Lukas Coch

The political tragedy of Julia Gillard

In the middle of the 2012 winter, an influential supporter of Julia Gillard laid out for me the intricacies of the Labor caucus’ power structures, the labour movement’s web of personal antagonisms and…
Kevin Rudd wants to mess with Tony Abbott’s head. AAP/Alan Porritt

Grattan on Friday: Kevin Rudd and the narrative of the house

In March 2010 PM Kevin Rudd faced off against opposition leader Tony Abbott at the National Press Club in a debate about health policy. Three months later Rudd would be deposed by his own party. One criticism…

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