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Todos os artigos de Luxembourg

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Australia’s Future Fund, chaired by former Treasurer Peter Costello, is not immune to the tax schemes corporations love. Alan Porritt/AAP

Stopping corporate tax avoidance in a house of smoke and mirrors

There are many and increasing ways for corporations to minimise tax legally. Solving the problem will take more, not less firepower from the ATO.
Accused of helping clients avoid millions in tax. JuliusKielaitis /

HSBC’s Swiss tax scandal is part of a global pattern of avoidance

The revelation in leaked bank files that HSBC’s Swiss banking arm has helped wealthy customers put millions of dollars worth of assets out of the reach of the tax authorities confirms the way in which…
Leaked documents reveal how multinational companies use PwC in Luxembourg to shift profits and avoid tax. Nicolas Bouvy/AAP

Luxembourg leaks: how harmful tax competition leads to profit shifting

Hundreds of advance tax agreements between Luxembourg and more than 300 taxpayers were leaked and published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists last week. The taxpayers involved…
Luxembourg: a fairyland for tax avoidance? Claude Wians

Luxembourg: a tax haven by any other name?

The revelations that global and multinational businesses have been brokering “secret” tax deals with Luxembourg to avoid paying taxes in their home countries, may be the first time an entire country has…
Future Fund Chairman and former Australian treasurer Peter Costello is likely to face more questions on why the fund has been involved in secret tax deals in Europe. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Luxembourg leaks: G20 alone can’t stamp out tax avoidance

The hollowing out of tax collected for public purposes by rich and poor nations is not confined to technology and mining companies, according to a major leak of secret tax agreements covering more than…

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