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A depot used to store pipes for Transcanada Corp’s planned Keystone XL oil pipeline. Andrew Cullen/Reuters

Keystone pipeline veto: politics or real policy?

A roundtable of energy experts weigh in on the significance of Obama’s veto — the economics, the politics and the environmental — as well as what’s next.
Could CarPlay be the precursor to an Apple Car? Apple

The Apple Car will be really different … if it exists

It has been a week and the Apple Car rumor hasn’t been denied by Apple. (Here’s the background in case you have been living under a rock). So what are we to make of all this? Much of what has been talked…
Popular friends on social media could give enough warning to make plans to reduce damage some natural disasters. Flickr/Rob Gross

Popular friends on social media can help save you from disasters

You may think your social media friends are only good for keeping you up with all the latest gossip and trends but research published today has found they can also help save you in the event of any natural…

A search for the unreal America

There is often lots of talk in American politics about the “real America.” Suffice it to say, implicit in that is that everyone wants to be real and so even an assertion to the contrary is an insult. Truth…
High costs can keep some patients from seeing a doctor until its too late. VILevi/Shutterstock

The Affordable Care Act is another way to ration health care

The Affordable Care Act has enabled millions of previously uninsured people to obtain health insurance at reasonably low rates and has fixed some of the most vexing – and unfair – peculiarities in the…
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska has for decades been a center of debate on the tradeoffs between environmental protection and oil drilling. Alaska Region US Fish & Wildlife Service

Can Americans have both environmental preservation and expanded oil drilling?

In a few months, we will mark the five-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The accident released millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, causing extensive impacts on the marine…
John Chen with his BlackBerries. Reuters

Why BlackBerry’s argument for app neutrality is crazy

Last night, BlackBerry CEO John Chen penned a blog post on net neutrality. He was in favor of net neutrality but in the last half of his post introduced a whole new notion of neutrality: “application neutrality…

To provide eyes or not to provide eyes

Be My Eyes is a clever app created by Hans Jørgen Wiberg, a Danish craftsperson who is also visually impaired. I could explain it but you should really watch this video. The design is quite clever. When…
First Lady visits charter school in Washington DC. Yuri Gripas/Shutterstock

Charter schools: fabulous or failures?

Depending on who you ask, charter schools may be either an important solution to persistent educational inequality, or a misguided attack on public schools as Americans know them. Both sides are firmly…

The morality of price spikes

New Years Eve has come and gone and with it the annual discussion regarding whether Uber’s ‘surge pricing’ is justifiable (for example, here in Slate and an excellent set of points from Tim B. Lee at Vox…
A growing body of research suggests placebos may be as good as real drugs for treating depression. Victor/Flickr

Antidepressants may be no better than a placebo, so why take them?

Seventeenth-century Oxford scholar Robert Burton’s lifework, The Anatomy of Melancholy, weighs in at a door-stopping 1,400 pages. But his cure for the “Black Choler” of depression came down to just six…
Participants and guests at a Walk for Breast Cancer decked out in pink. Breast cancer walk image via

Awash in pink, but breast cancer awareness isn’t a cure

Awareness efforts can focus public attention and help scientists raise funds for research. But the impact on eradicating the disease itself and helping patients today is much less clear.
Never ever, ever, ever, ever gonna give you up. Ever.

Why we’re never gonna give up on the Rickroll

Rick Astley, 80s pop singer and unlikely king of internet memes, is dead. Or at least the most persistent song in his catalogue is. Or at least its most popular unofficial YouTube upload is. Or at least…
Dr Philip Nitschke admits advising a healthy 45-year-old man who later killed himself. AAP Image/Julian Smith

Memo to Philip Nitschke: let’s keep euthanasia for the dying

People who operate on the edge risk falling over it and into the abyss. And euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke has been in freefall since it emerged he had email contact with a healthy 45-year-old West…
Private school, public results. Pimnana_01

Markets alone don’t raise standards in private schools

As the coalition government’s free schools continue to stir heated debate, the problem of how to maintain and raise standards and quality is front and centre. To tackle it, MPs have been looking more and…

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