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Todos os artigos de National security

Exibindo 121 - 140 de 418 artigos

A range of laws allow Australian agencies such as local governments to peer over security agencies’ shoulder at your personal data. Justin Lane/EPA

Think your metadata is only visible to national security agencies? Think again

Under controversial national security laws, parts of your mobile phone data is accessible by federal police and counterterrorism agencies. But in reality dozens of other organisations can access it too.
Two Australian Federal Police officers walking out of the ABC Ultimo building after conducting a raid. David Gray/AAP

Morrison and Albanese to discuss inquiry into press freedom

Labor is proposing establishing a new parliamentary committee to look into press freedom; one that will deal with whistle blowers and have crossbench representation.
On Wednesday, the AFP raided the ABCs Sydney headquarters in relation to the 2017 “Afghan files” report. AAP/David Gray

Why the raids on Australian media present a clear threat to democracy

This week’s raids on journalists and media outlets show not just the risk to those doing work in the public interest, but the potentially chilling effect it will have on more such journalism being brought to light.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange leaves Southwark Crown Court in London, May 1, 2019. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls

Assange’s new indictment: Espionage and the First Amendment

Julian Assange’s indictment under the Espionage Act, a sweeping law with heavy penalties for unauthorized receiving or disclosing of classified information, poses a threat to press freedom.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has played a lot of golf with President Donald Trump over the past two years. Japan's Cabinet Public Relations Office via Kyodo/via Reuters

Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize? Japan’s nomination is part of a strategic plan

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe needs the US to confront North Korea, revitalize Japan’s economy and boost his standing at home. And he knows flattery is the way to this president’s heart.

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