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Todos os artigos de Philae

Exibindo 1 - 20 de 25 artigos

The discovery of the year was the first detection of gravitational waves. LIGO/T. Pyle

2016: the year in space and astronomy

Colliding black holes to exploding spacecraft, 2016 was an incredible year for astrophysics.
Artist’s impression of Rosetta’s descent. ESA

Swansong for Rosetta as it lands on the duck-shaped comet

It has been an epic journey, much more than 12 years in the making, but Rosetta is just about to go out in a blaze of glory. The final commands were uploaded to the spacecraft mid-morning on September…
Lander Philae on Comet P Churyumov Gerasimenko. wikipedia

Farewell to Philae?

Ground control says it is time to give up hope of regaining communication with comet lander Philae. But never say never.
No green little men as far as the eye can see. ESA/Rosetta/NavCam

There’s no evidence to suggest there is life on Comet 67P

As far as underwhelming headlines go: “No Alien Life Found on Comet” must rank very close to the top. An article with this title appeared in the Guardian on July 6 in response to a story claiming that…
Not yet, but soon … we’re getting closer to sending people to Mars. Samantha T./Flickr

Near Earth and far away, it’s been an exciting year in space

It was an exciting year in space exploration, with mind-blowing triumphs and heart-breaking failures. On Earth, new rockets and spacecraft were tested by space agencies and commercial ventures. SpaceX…
It’s all science. Emmanuel Hebrard

Explainer: what Philae did in its 60 hours on Comet 67P

The drama of Philae’s slow fall, bounce and unfortunate slide into hibernation was one of the most thrilling science stories of a generation. But what in its short 60 hours of life on Comet 67P did it…
Hang on? Oh, there you are… ESA

Scientists at work: the day after Philae lands

Phew, what a day it was yesterday. Ended up having a quiet drink at the hotel. Last drink of the day – a nice cup of tea! Slept well – no nightmares about flying through space looking for somewhere to…
Conquering a comet. ESA/ATG medialab

Video: the amazing Rosetta spacecraft and Philae lander

Rosetta is a first-class mission, because it is a mission of firsts. First to fly-by asteroid Steins, a rare metal-poor asteroid. First to travel past asteroid Lutetia, which might be related to a class…

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