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Todos os artigos de Pregnancy

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Studying pregnancy from multiple disciplines could provide new insights. Carol Yepes/Moment via Getty Images

Pregnancy is an engineering challenge − diagnosing and treating preterm birth requires understanding its mechanics

How and why preterm birth happens is still unclear, in part because research on pregnancy tends to focus on developmental biology.
The exam room of a women’s health clinic, which provides abortions, in Jacksonville, Fla., is seen in April 2024. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Confusion over how pregnancy dates are measured is widespread – and makes for uninformed debate over abortion limits

Most Americans surveyed did not know how pregnancies are dated or how long a trimester is – but this is especially true among some groups, like people who say they support six-week abortion bans.
Organoids can replicate each component of the human heart, from its chambers to its veins. Yonatan R. Lewis-Israeli et al. 2021/Nature Communications

Engineering mini human hearts to study pregnancy complications and birth defects

Human heart organoids allow researchers to study the developing heart while avoiding the ethical issues of using human embryos and the imperfections of animal models.
Moral injury can occur when someone must act against their values – but also when they cannot act in line with their values. Fly View Productions/E+ via Getty Images

Medicine doesn’t just have ‘conscientious objectors’ − there are ‘conscientious providers,’ too

Medical workers navigate their own moral and religious beliefs, professional standards, the law and the realities of clinical work – which can be especially complicated in abortion care.
Women who receive obstetric and gynecological care must be heard when they say that they have received inadequate, violent treatment. (Shutterstock)

Obstetric and gynecological violence: Empowering patients to recognize and prevent it

Obstetric and gynecological violence is care that is violent, disrespectful, abusive or neglectful. At its heart is the absence of consent, or consent without having received appropriate information.
People who are pregnant or planning to be should be as clear as possible about their wishes for end-of-life care during pregnancy. sturti/E+ via Getty Images

Fetal personhood rulings could nullify a pregnant patient’s wishes for end-of-life care

Laws such as Alabama’s controversial ruling that gives personhood rights to frozen embryos will have ripple effects on how advance directives are interpreted by doctors and the courts.
Substance use during pregnancy can lead to a broad array of harmful effects. Liudmila Chernetska/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Hundreds of thousands of US infants every year pay the consequences of prenatal exposure to drugs, a growing crisis particularly in rural America

Many people wrongly assume that cannabis use during pregnancy is safe. Research is increasingly documenting a host of serious health harms from prenatal exposure to cannabis and other substances.

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