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Todos os artigos de Progressive

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump returns from a break in his hush money trial at Manhattan Criminal Court, May 28, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson, Pool)

The intersectionality of hate helps make sense of the ideology of Donald Trump and the far right

The intersectionality of hate, which combines racism, antisemitism and misogyny, leads the white heterosexual male to believe that he is a victim of the “minorities” he must resist.
Crowds attend Family Day at the Calgary Stampede in Calgary in July 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

Albertans have more in common than recent elections suggest

Ongoing research suggests the average Albertan is far less conservative than it appears, especially on social issues like health care and inclusion.
Activist workers have successfully formed unions at 135 Starbucks since they began organizing in Buffalo, N.Y., in 2021. AP Photo/Carolyn Thompson

Grassroots mojo and 4 other reasons Starbucks workers have been so successful unionizing

Starbucks Workers United has already organized 146 locations in about six months. While that’s a fraction of Starbucks’ 9,000 US stores, it’s one of the most successful labor campaigns in decades.
Several lawmakers from high-tax states like New York are pushing for changes to a key tax deduction in Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending package. Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Some rich people will love at least one sweetener in Democrats’ $3.5 trillion plan

The 2017 tax cuts put a $10,000 cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. The richest households would see the biggest gains from eliminating or raising the cap.
Nurses in November 2016 expressed support for a ballot proposition to limit what California state agencies pay for prescription drugs. AP/Nick Ut, file

Expanding direct democracy won’t make Americans feel better about politics

Citizens voting directly on policy seems like a good idea. But that led to the Brexit mess in the UK. In the US, two scholars say direct democracy deepens distrust of politics and government.
Democrat Sen. Chris Coons, pictured right, says Democrats should talk more about faith. Here, Coons prays with U.S. President Donald Trump and Republican Sen. James Lankford (left) during the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

How the conservative right hijacks religion

Spirituality may not align with scientific values, but even psychologists say ‘peak’ experiences can change people. Will society allow the entire language of religion to be owned by conservatives?
Over the last hundred years, there have been at least three major waves of ‘progressive’ education in Ontario. Here, Premier Doug Ford with Finance Minister Vic Fedeli after presenting the 2019 budget at the legislature on April 11, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Welcome to the latest wave of ‘modernizing,’ ‘progressive’ school reforms in Ontario

The Progressive Conservative government’s call to modernize education invokes long-standing rhetoric about progressive education in paradoxical ways.
Why so grim? Oh, tax cuts. AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Why tax cuts make us less happy

The Republican tax plan would ultimately make the current system less progressive while reducing the overall burden, two things research shows make countries less happy.
Will voters of the future swing left or right? Cropped from joebeone/flickr

The Democratic Party is facing a demographic crisis

As America becomes more diverse, many think it will also become more progressive. But one analysis of demographic trends points to gains for Republicans.
Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan resonated with voters. Can progressives do the same? David Becker/Reuters

How progressives can still make change in the age of Trump

Conservatives have been very successful framing a compelling narrative about who they are and what they stand for. Progressives will have a tough four years if they don’t do the same.

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