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Todos os artigos de Public health

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Medical deans are calling for a 50% increase in federal funding for student places. Flickr

Medical schools call for 50% funding boost

Australia’s medical schools need a 50% increase in federal funding to boost the proportion of places available to domestic students and reduce their reliance on international fee-paying students, the peak…
Coal seam gas drilling exposes us to chemicals we know nothing about. AAP

Coal seam gas could be a fracking disaster for our health

Coal seam gas is indeed a potential disaster if present attitudes and lack of regulatory control prevail. An important part of public health is to enact precautions based on potential impacts. The CSG…
Eating an extra 100g per day of processed meat, such as salami, increases bowel cancer risk by 36%, according to the most extensive study ever on the topic. Flickr

Don’t bring home the bacon: study links deli meats to bowel cancer

Red meats and processed meats like bacon, salami and sausage are strongly associated with bowel cancer, according to the most authoritative study ever on the issue. The report by the World Cancer Research…
The Cancer Council’s alcohol abstinence message isn’t helpful. flickr/MrTinDC

Ignore the scaremongers – a drink (or two) is alright

The marketing of public health messages can bear some disturbing similarities to the way the tobacco, alcohol and food industries go about promoting their products. Recent suggestions by the Cancer Council…
New research suggests drugs that treat both depression and sleep disorders yield better results. Photo:

Tackling depression and poor sleep with one drug

Certain drugs that target sleep disorders can also act as very effective anti-depressants, paving the way for new approaches in the treatment of major depression, according to a new paper by Australian…
Science says otherwise. Pink Sherbet Photography

Monday’s medical myth: sugar makes kids hyperactive

Any parent would tell you that seeing children fuelling up on sugar-laden cake, lollies and soft drinks at a birthday party is a sure-fire recipe for a bunch of rampaging hyperactive kids. The connection…
People power and social media helped win a campaign to protect medical research from cuts. Photo: AAP.

How the war was won: the campaign to stop medical research cuts

One day in April, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research director Douglas Hilton called his communications manager, Penny Fannin, into his office. “He said he’d heard significant cuts were…
If helmets protect against brain injury, why not wear them?

Don’t be fooled, keeping bike helmets is best for health

Convincing more Australians to get on a bike would undoubtedly deliver health improvements that come with reduced waistlines. But ditching bike helmets isn’t the answer. The health benefits of more cycling…
The life expectancy gained from cycling to work outweighs the risks of ill health from pollution and injury.

Ditching bike helmets laws better for health

With epidemics of diabetes and obesity threatening to bankrupt state health budgets, governments need to broaden their strategies to encourage physical activity. Allowing cyclists to ride without a helmet…

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