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South Africa is seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases. EMMANUEL CROSET/AFP via Getty Images

Omicron: evidence shows it evades immunity from earlier infection more than other variants

At this stage, we cannot say anything about the severity of cases with Omicron - either in primary or reinfections.
Medicines, insecticides and nets may deliver short-term anti-malaria goals. Shutterstock

The warning lights are on for malaria medicines in Africa

Treatments for uncomplicated malaria remain mostly robust. But the arsenal against severe malaria and deaths is rapidly weakening. New options are urgently required.
South African marine biodiversity is unique and valuable and the Wild Coast is an especially rich part of that heritage. Peter Unger via GettyImages

Planned seismic survey by Shell has kicked up a storm in South Africa. Here’s an explainer

Researchers share their insights on seismic surveys in South Africa.
The increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in public decision making is raising critical issues around fairness and human rights. Getty Images

Artificial intelligence carries a huge upside. But potential harms need to be managed

The increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in public decision making is raising critical issues around fairness and human rights.
La pratique consistant à blâmer et à stigmatiser les victimes de viol a des conséquences dévastatrices : elle les réduit au silence tout en protégeant les violeurs, et les dissuade d’accéder aux services de santé et de réclamer justice. SIA KAMBOU/AFP via Getty Images

Libérer la parole des victimes, une condition pour rompre avec la banalisation du viol en Côte d'Ivoire

Stigmatiser les victimes de viol est lourd de conséquences. Il les réduit au silence, protège les violeurs, les décourage à se faire consulter et à réclamer justice.
Keeping an eye on what children are watching or playing is crucial to ensure that they’re being exposed to age-appropriate content. justocker via GettyImages

Children and screens – making it through the holidays

Every small change to promote healthy levels of screen time is a step in the right direction for the health, wellbeing and development of children.

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