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Todos os artigos de Rift valley

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Tharp with an undersea map at her desk. Rolled sonar profiles of the ocean floor are on the shelf behind her. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the estate of Marie Tharp

Marie Tharp pioneered mapping the bottom of the ocean 6 decades ago – scientists are still learning about Earth’s last frontier

Born on July 30, 1920, geologist and cartographer Tharp changed scientific thinking about what lay at the bottom of the ocean – not a featureless flat, but rugged and varied terrain.
The declining fishing yield in the Lake Tanganyika region is being exacerbated by an influx of refugees. Reuters/Sala Lewis

The fate of Africa’s Lake Tanganyika lies in the balance

Climate change, deforestation, overfishing and hydrocarbon exploitation threatens one of Africa’s oldest lake’s, Lake Tanganyika.

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