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Todos os artigos de Tamil

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A painting of the goddess Kali by Indian artist Raja Ravi Varma. The film Kaali by Leena Manimekalai has drawn controversy for the way it depicts the goddess. (The Ganesh Shivaswamy Foundation, Bengaluru)

Leena Manimekalai’s documentary ‘Kaali’ challenges Hindutva nationalism

Leena Manimekalai’s film Kaali has drawn controversy and criticism, but like her other films, it highlights the inequalities and discrimination many continue to face.
Illustration of the 2009 Gardiner Expressway protests which saw Tamil people from Toronto bring traffic to a standstill. (Sindu Sivayogam)

This Mother’s Day, pay attention to racialized women leading resistance movements, like Tamil mothers

This Mother’s Day reflect on why mainstream media doesn’t recognize racialized women-led resistance movements as feminism. On the 12th anniversary of the Gardiner protest, let’s centre Tamil mothers.
Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the frontrunner in Sri Lanka’s presidential election, faces a lawsuit in the US for alleged extrajudicial killing and torture. M.A. Pushpa Kumara/EPA

Sri Lanka election: will the country see a return to strongman politics?

Gotabaya Rajapaksa is the frontrunner in the presidential election. He was defence secretary during his brother Mahinda’s presidency when the government is accused of numerous wartime atrocities.
“This review…is really just a bone to Pauline Hanson. The government needs her vote in the senate,” says Michelle Grattan on the controversial appointment of Hanson as deputy chair of the committee. Mick Tsikas/AAP

VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on the family law inquiry - and the UN climate change summit

Michelle Grattan discusses the government’s new family law inquiry, and Australia being banned from the speaking list at the upcoming UN climate change summit.
The Biloela Tamil family will be able to remain in Australia until the asylum claim for the youngest daughter is properly assessed. James Ross/AAP

How the Biloela Tamil family deportation case highlights the failures of our refugee system

Of the original 31,000 refugees in the ‘fast-track’ visa caseload, nearly 8,200 are yet to have their applications processed. As a result, their lives remain in limbo.
A Tamil man who was paralyzed by shelling during the final weeks of the conflict in Mullivaikkal in 2009 is seen in this 2018 photo in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. Priya Tharmaseelan

Rwanda and Sri Lanka: A tale of two genocides

This spring marks the 25th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide and the 10th year since the Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka. The world knows what happened in Rwanda. What about Sri Lanka?
Muslim devotees offer prayers during Eid al-Fitr in Colombo, Sri Lanka. EPA Images

Who are Sri Lanka’s Muslims?

A new chapter of violence has begun in Sri Lanka and old divisions may yet again escalate further.
Julia Gillard meets with Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa at the 2011 CHOGM meeting: should Australia boycott the 2013 meeting in Sri Lanka over human rights concerns? AAP/Daniel Munoz

Sri Lanka and human rights: Australia’s CHOGM dilemma

Given its long association with the Commonwealth, it is no surprise that Sri Lanka is hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM) in November this year. These biannual meetings are normally…
A Tamil Tiger fighter killed by Sri Lankan forces on May 14 2009. AAP

Australian animals or Tamil people: who do we care more about?

What makes Australians morally outraged? What gets really gets our blood boiling? It would seem that Four Corners has inadvertently put this question to the test this week. On Monday the 4th of July 2011…

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