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Todos os artigos de Technology

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At the end of her professional career, Lynn Conway was professor emerita of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan. Marcin Szczepanski/University of Michigan via AP

Lynn Conway was a trans woman in tech − and underappreciated for decades after she helped launch the computing revolution

The trailblazing engineer was co-inventor of a technique for designing computer chips that laid the groundwork for the computing revolution.
AI knowledge combined with gene-editing precision opens the way to dial-a-protein. KTSFotos/Moment via Getty Images

AI plus gene editing promises to shift biotech into high gear

AI has learned the ins and outs of proteins. Gene editing gives scientists control of life’s molecular machinery. Together they could lead to a revolution in biotechnology.
Is your social media group a budding democracy or someone’s fiefdom? John Trumbull's painting, Declaration of Independence, plus emoticons

Why the future of democracy could depend on your group chats

Americans associate with each other more online than off these days. How people interact in digital communities could have a big impact on democracy.

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