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Many Greeks want to see their country stay in the eurozone, but fear yet another round of crippling austerity measures. Yannis Kolesidis/EPA/AAP

Poison pill? Key events in the history of Greece and the eurozone

Greece’s membership of the eurozone has been problematic from the beginning.
Malcolm Fraser: a memorable legacy. Mal Fairclough/AAP

Key events in the life of Malcolm Fraser

From overseeing conscription during the Vietnam War to blocking government supply, Malcolm Fraser tread a rocky path.
Health Minister Sussan Ley has announced that the government is abandoning its plan to introduce a co-payment for GP visits. AAP/Lukas Coch

Medicare co-payment timeline

Finally abandoned on March 3, 2015, the GP co-payment has been something of an albatross around the Coalition government’s neck. Here are some highlights from the 14-month old policy’s short life.
Pressure is building ahead of the Brisbane G20 Leaders’ Summit for action on tax avoidance by multinationals. Andrew Sutherland/Flickr

Key events in the G20 push on tax avoidance

Tax avoidance by multinational enterprises is not new. But the current level of political will and public outcry on the issue is uncommon in the history of taxation. The upcoming G20 meeting in Brisbane…
Once in a lifetime jump. ESA-J

Timeline: Rosetta mission, from inception to landing bid

The Philae lander is due to break away from the Rosetta spacecraft, which is currently in orbit around a comet 30 light minutes (600 million km) from Earth. It is planned that Philae will touch down on…
A giant of his time. Paul Miller/AAP

Key events in the life of Gough Whitlam

To navigate the timeline below, hover your mouse on the right (and on the left to move back).
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is inching Australia closer to a free trade agreement with China. Parker Song/EPA/AAP

Key events in the 10-year journey towards a China-Australia FTA

The clock is ticking down to the end of year deadline Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has given for sign off on a free trade agreement with China. In this China-Australia FTA series we explore what…
Punching above its weight? The Aussie dollar has captured the attention of Australians and international investors alike. Rebecca Le May/AAP.

Key events in the tumultuous life of the floated Aussie dollar

To navigate the timeline below, hover your mouse on the right (and on the left to move back). Further reading The float Australia had to have? Intervene or wait? The RBA faces a tricky path to a lower…

Key events in the short history of HIV/AIDS

To navigate the timeline below, hover your mouse on the right (and on the left to move back).

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