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Todos os artigos de UNHCR

Exibindo 61 - 80 de 81 artigos

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has flagged concerns about how the extra 12,000 refugees chosen for resettlement in Australia will be picked. AAP Image/Paul Miller

FactCheck: how are the 12,000 extra refugees coming to Australia chosen?

When asked about a plan to resettle an extra 12,000 refugees in Australia, Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi said that the UNHCR determines who is going to be sent to Australia or not. Is that right?
A Yemeni girl holds a baby in a temporary shelter at the port town Bosasso in Somalia’s Puntland after fleeing war in Yemen. Reuters/Feisal Omar T

Lessons in refugee hospitality from the Horn of Africa

Although Africa is familiar with large-scale refugee crises, it is uncommon for it to host people seeking protection from outside the continent, as is the case with thousands of Yemeni refugees.
These Rohingya women and children, rescued by fishermen in Aceh, are among thousands in need of resettlement. EPA

Australia can do better on Asian boat crisis than ‘nope, nope, nope’

A summit in Bangkok is discussing the fate of thousands of people who were stranded at sea. Australia is represented but refuses to resettle any refugees, casting doubt on its commitment to a regional solution.
A boat carrying 450 people from Myanmar and Bangladesh is inspected by Thai Navy officers in the Andaman Sea. EPA/Royal Thai Navy

Are those fleeing persecution and impoverishment so very different?

The political rhetoric would suggest that asylum seekers are deserving and economic migrants are undeserving. Yet their motivations overlap and are complex – forced migrants do not fit easily into one category.
Rohingya refugees from Myanmar travelled in this fishing boat to Sumatra, Indonesia, with officials announcing some 2000 people were rounded up or rescued after arriving in Malaysia and Indonesia over the weekend. EPA

Pushed offshore, the ‘boat people’ crisis demands regional response

Australia may have ‘stopped the boats’ but the tragedy of people drowning at sea continues to our north and is getting worse. A regional solution to the refugee crisis is urgently needed.
A ban on resettling asylum seekers from Indonesia calls into question the rationale of Australia’s resettlement program. EPA/Hotli Simanijuntak

Questioning the queue: blocking protection to asylum seekers in Indonesia

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has announced that asylum seekers residing in Indonesia while awaiting protection will no longer obtain resettlement in Australia. This move puts into serious question…

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