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Todos os artigos de University research

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Don’t be lured into collaboration just because it’s what everyone else seems to be doing. from

Ten rules for successful research collaboration

Between 50-75% of all collaborations fail. Here are some tips on how to set up a successful collaboration between academia and industry.
Managing the risks of industry-researcher collaboration: Coca-Cola got caught for funding scientists who shifted blame for obesity away from bad diets. from

Australia’s innovation agenda: embracing risk or gambling with public health?

The innovation report fails to mention the risk of bias for researchers collaborating with industry. We must ensure that researchers maintain their independence.
Research must have an impact – but what’s the best way to measure it?

Watt report suggests financial incentives for measuring research impact

A government report on research funding and policy has recommended introducing a funding incentive to ensure university research benefits society and business.
The iPhone is a good example of an entire industry built on the back of publicly funded research outcomes. The ‘iPhone fish’ is designed to teach people healthy eating through portion size control. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

There is no easy way to measure the impact of university research on society

Publicly-funded research should contribute to society in some way. But we need to think carefully about how we create a system that allows us to measure the impact of research.
‘There are relatively fewer large-scale research-intensive industries for universities to partner with in Australia,’ says Glyn Davis, vice-chancellor, University of Melbourne. Alan Porritt/AAP

Poor research-industry collaboration: time for blame or economic reality at work?

We can’t fulfil Malcolm Turnbull’s ambition for an innovative nation without understanding why researchers are struggling to engage with industry.
It’s not all about the money but universities could drive a harder bargain. Victor1558

Universities are research power houses but fail to reap rewards

In the pharmaceutical industry there is a place known as the Valley of Death. It is the place between research and innovation where many drugs enter but fail to emerge from the other side. One reason for…

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