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Todos os artigos de US energy policy

Exibindo 21 - 40 de 108 artigos

A pump jack in the town of Signal Hill, California, which sits within the Long Beach Oil Field near the Port of Long Beach. Frederick J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images

Living near active oil and gas wells in California tied to low birth weight and smaller babies

A new study finds an association between living near active oil and gas wells in California and low birth-weight infants, adding to findings elsewhere on health risks from oil and gas production.
A satellite image of the oil slick as it looked in late May 2010, a month after the Deepwater Horizon well exploded. The oil plume looks grayish white. NASA/Goddard/Jen Shoemaker and Stu Snodgrass

A decade after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, offshore drilling is still unsafe

The BP Deepwater Horizon blowout on April 20, 2010 triggered the largest offshore oil spill in history. Ten years later, post-spill reforms are being undone and the Gulf of Mexico remains vulnerable.
Expanding solar power potential more than it’s needed could replace more expensive energy storage. Jamey Stillings

A radical idea to get a high-renewable electric grid: Build way more solar and wind than needed

Solar and wind can’t deliver power on demand. But overbuilding solar and wind, and simply dumping unneeded energy, would go a long way to smoothing out those bumps, study finds.
Protesters at a hearing on President Donald Trump’s plan to allow offshore oil and gas drilling along most of the nation’s coastline, Feb. 14, 2018 in Hamilton, N.J. AP Photo/Wayne Parry

Trump offshore drilling plan may be dead in the water, but there are better ways to lead on energy

The Trump administration plan to expand offshore oil and gas production along US coastlines faces serious roadblocks. But there are smarter ways to pursue ‘energy dominance.’
Rather than fade into the night, coal plants could stick around longer under Trump’s proposal. Duke Energy

Trump’s coal plan – neither clean nor affordable

Trump’s energy plan may meet the letter of the law but the Affordable Clean Energy Plan reflects the administration’s clear agenda to move slowly or not at all on climate change.
The number of coal mining jobs has gone up slightly, but many times less than solar-related ones. AP Photo/Dake Kang

An alternative to propping up coal power plants: Retrain workers for solar

The Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy Plan would help the declining coal industry, but a study shows many coal workers could transition to a new industry – solar – and earn more money.
California and the Trump administration are going different directions on mileage standards. AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

Trump administration and California are on collision course over vehicle emissions rules

Law scholars from California unpack the legal questions raised by the Trump administration’s plan to roll back mileage standards and revoke California’s ability to set more stringent rules.
Block Island Wind, the first offshore wind energy project in the U.S., started operation in 2016. Ionna22

Market forces are driving a clean energy revolution in the US

A recent survey of electric utility leaders finds that Trump administration efforts to promote coal energy and roll back air pollution regulations have had little impact on their long-range plans.
Fuel economy and air pollution regulations have lowered pollution and pushed industry to innovate. Mike Roberts

Why EPA’s U-turn on auto efficiency rules gives China the upper hand

The Trump administration announced a plan to relax fuel economy standards, but well-designed regulations can drive clean car innovations that make U.S. industry globally competitive.
Dedicating a 31-kilowatt photovoltaic array at Rainshadow Community Charter High School, in Reno, Nevada. BlackRock Solar

The state of the US solar industry: 5 questions answered

What’s at stake as the Trump administration imposes trade sanctions on imported solar panels? A look at the US solar energy industry, which generates more than twice as many jobs as coal energy.

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