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Articles on Animal intelligence

Displaying 21 - 40 of 42 articles

More than 620 million years of evolution separate crows from humans, but the birds show that they can plan three steps ahead. Romana Gruber

New Caledonian crows smart enough to plan three steps ahead to solve tricky problem

New Caledonian crows are famous for using tools to reach a reward. Now scientists have confirmed they can plan several steps ahead, like a chess player contemplating a series of moves.
Can a machine really think, be in awe and wonder? Shutterstock/Photobymhu

What does it mean to think and could a machine ever do it?

As machines get ever more complex as we strive to make them complete more complex tasks, it’s time to ask again: will they ever be able to think? But what is thinking anyway?
All the better for hearing you with. Boris Roessler/EPA

Dog brains process human speech in the same way we do

Sometimes it may seem like your dog doesn’t want to listen. But in our study, however, we’ve found that he may understand more than he lets on. Human speech is complex, communicating not only words but…
Smarter chimpanzees owe much of their extra intelligence to genes. Gemma Stiles/Flickr

Chimpanzee intelligence has a genetic basis

Not all chimpanzees are created equal. Not only are some more intelligent than others, but about half of this variation is genetically inherited, according to research published today in Current Biology…
Don’t even go there, girlfriend! KOO/Shutterstock

Ravens have social abilities previously only seen in humans

Humans and their primate cousins are well known for their intelligence and social abilities. You hear them called bird-brained, but birds have demonstrated a great deal of intelligence in many tasks. However…

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