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Articles on Benjamin Netanyahu

Displaying 181 - 200 of 291 articles

Bahrain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa gave an interview to Israel’s Channel 13 in June – a first. Screenshot, Official Youtube of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Bahrain

Why increasing Arab-Israeli closeness matters

With the opening of a synagogue in Dubai and warmer relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, some Arab states suddenly appear to be more open to friendship with Israel and Jews. Why?
Israel has a powerful air force — and it’s not afraid to strike neighbors it perceives as a national security threat. AP Photo/Ariel Schalit

Israel could strike first as tensions with Iran flare

The US isn’t the only country considering a military response to Iranian aggression.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. AP Photo/Bernat Armangue, File

What Israel’s new election reveals about the struggle over Jewishness

Young Haredim men, who are strictly observant Jews, have long been exempted from Israel’s compulsory military service. A disagreement over stopped Netanyahu from forming a government.
U.S. President Donald Trump welcomes Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to the White House on May 13, 2019. Strongmen like Orbán are increasingly gaining ground as the death knell sounds for liberal democracy. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Are we witnessing the death of liberal democracy?

Liberal democracy is in trouble, and the seeds of its demise can be found in the property rights so cherished by so-called liberals generations ago.
On the same day, May 14, 2018, Palestinians protest near the border of Israel and the Gaza Strip (left) while dignitaries applaud the opening ceremony of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem (right). AP/ADEL HANA, LEFT, AND SEBASTIAN SCHEINER

Why the Trump administration’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan shouldn’t be released

About the only thing the Trump administration’s peace plan has going for it is the fact that no one expects it to work. And the plan’s likely failure could trigger more Israeli-Palestinian violence.
Benny Gantz, left, leader of the Blue and White party; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right. REUTERS/Amir Cohen, left; Ariel Schalit/Pool via REUTERS, right

The generals who challenged Netanyahu ran a campaign largely devoid of substance

They wanted to oust Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu in Tuesday’s election, but the failure of three centrist generals to talk about key issues may have made Netanyahu the apparent winner.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, left, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, right, in the Israeli-held Golan Heights on March 11, 2019. Ronen Zvulun/Pool via AP

Why Trump’s recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory matters

Political leverage aside, it’s a major source of water in a parched corner of the world that harbors significant oil deposits.
Donald Trump spoke at AIPAC’s annual conference during his 2016 presidential campaign. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci

How AIPAC could lose its bipartisan status

The American Israeli Public Action Committee has managed to work with Democrats and Republicans alike. Will that change now that Israel has tacked to the right?
The government briefed Indonesia before the Prime Minister outlined the new Australian policy in a speech in Sydney on Saturday. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Government hopes Jerusalem compromise will smooth Indonesian trade deal

Morrison announced a compromise position that recognises West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital but does not move Australia’s embassy there until a peace settlement determines Jerusalem’s final status.
In this September 1993 photo, U.S. President Bill Clinton presides over White House ceremonies marking the signing of the peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, left, and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, right, in Washington. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)

Trump is just the latest U.S. president to push Palestine around

Donald Trump’s strong defence of Israel might be more boisterous than his predecessors, but it’s consistent with the anti-Palestinian policies by previous U.S. administrations.

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