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Articles on Taxation

Displaying 201 - 220 of 287 articles

Treasurer Joe Hockey is likely to have an easier time selling a package of tax reforms rather than individual changes. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

How increasing the GST could boost our standard of living

Changing the GST in isolation would create serious problems, but increasing it alongside other reforms could have a major upside.
Naming and shaming is not really the main agenda of tax transparency. Bart Maguire/Flickr

Tax transparency can work for companies if they do it right

Companies that embrace tax disclosures and remind the public they are contributing to the economy could actually benefit from greater transparency.
Then NSW treasurer and now Premier Mike Baird, shaking hands in 2013 to mark the handover of Port Botany under a 99-year lease – the same period as has been proposed to lease state electricity assets to private operators. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

NSW can pay for the infrastructure it needs without privatisation

Privatising public assets is like a tradesperson selling her or his tools when facing a temporary income shortfall. Much better to borrow at low interest rates and productively invest those funds.
Allowing people to raid their superannuation early is likely to have significant unintended consequences. Image sourced from

We need to talk about super, not just first home buyers

Australia’s retirement income system is unsustainable, and there seems little political appetite to tackle the big issues.
The Australian community has been involved in many discussions about tax in the past, and now it’s time for some new decisions. Image sourced from

It’s time to choose what kind of tax system we want

Five years on from the Henry Tax Review tax reform is upon us again, and this time Australia must plan for the future.
Can everyone be a winner from comprehensive tax reform? Image sourced from

Tax reform - can we ALL win?

Just what are the issues we need to watch when it comes to tax reform? Read this explainer.
Despite claims, there isn’t a systemic problem with tax evasion by Australian companies. Image sourced from

Australia is not a country of rorters: our tax system is sound

The Henry Tax Review identified 125 taxes within Australia levied by all levels of government. Of those 125 taxes, just 10 taxes raised 90% of all tax revenue. The company tax is the second largest source…
We all want governments to do more with our taxes, so should we be willing to pay more? Photo sourced from

Put your hand up if you’d like to pay more tax

The same deep forces that were behind the election result in Queensland are being played out in Canberra. The Australian people want, although most won’t admit it, higher taxes – either now or in the future…
The Abbott government is preparing to give Australians a tax cut, but Treasurer Joe Hockey seems confused as to just how much tax we pay. Dean Lewins/AAP

The truth about bracket creep and Hockey’s tax tales

Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey claims taxpayers are already paying 50 cents in the dollar of their income to the government and that bracket creep will push the average income earner into the second top…
Shifting the tax burden to wage earners in the middle is a costly and outdated approach to tax reform. Dave Hunt/AAP

Expanding the GST would hit the ‘middle’ and women the hardest

Many developed economies have experienced a significant increase in inequality in recent decades. Survey data for Australia show that the share of the top 10% of the income distribution, and more markedly…
Australia’s GST is considered a regressive tax, so the idea of extending it to fresh food is considered unfair. A more detailed analysis reveals it’s not that simple. Charlotte90T/Flickr

Making the case for GST on fresh food

With the federal government’s review of taxation about to get underway, many are expecting Australia’s Goods and Services Tax to be up for change. In this GST series we take a closer look at the evidence…
Closing the thousands of loopholes that riddle the US tax code is a rare area of bipartisan agreement in Congress. So why is it so hard to end them? Shutterstock

Tax loopholes draw bi-party fire but don’t expect them to vanish

The thousands of tax loopholes that litter the corporate tax code in the United States are frequent targets of criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. Outgoing Republican Senator Tom Coburn released…
In the dark? Ignoring revenue has stymied Australia’s budget debate. Shutterstock

Without revenue, Australia can only have half a budget debate

The missing element in this week’s mid-year economic and fiscal outlook, and more broadly, in current government policy, stares Australians in the face. Revenue needs to be increased. Increasing taxes…
To prevent future pain, the government can’t put off tough decisions on tax. Lukas Coch/AAP

Why it’s time to hike the GST and levy an inheritance tax

The government’s recent budget outlook (MYEFO) confirmed that the Australian government budget is rotten at the core. The government is hopelessly living beyond its means, with expenditure greater than…
The Financial System Inquiry says the purpose of superannuation is to provide a retirement income that can substitute or supplement the age pension. Lukas Coch/AAP

Murray pushes for fewer super tax breaks but change is unlikely

David Murray’s Financial System Inquiry may call for the removal of superannuation tax breaks but the government’s tax discussion paper, due to be released next week, is unlikely to advocate similar changes…
Australia’s children and grandchildren will not enjoy the fruits of the country’s prosperity as much as their parents. Mate Marschalko/Flickr

Young Australians set to pay for government policy mistakes

Having enjoyed continuously increasing prosperity since the Second World War, Australians have come to expect that each generation will live a better life than the last. But this steady progress may be…
Talk of a tax crackdown has Joe Hockey smiling. Lukas Coch/AAP

Australia eyes missing billions with very own ‘Google tax’

Joe Hockey has hinted he may introduce a “Google tax” as a new weapon to tackle profit shifting by multinational enterprises. The Treasurer’s suggestion is not only political as a counter to aggressive…

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