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Articles on Taxation

Displaying 101 - 120 of 287 articles

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin offers details of his boss’ proposed tax cut. ‘It’s big.’ Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

Would Trump’s tax cut be the biggest ever? Fat chance

The bar for achieving that lofty goal was set almost 150 years ago when Congress cut taxes from as high as 10 percent to zero over two years.
Federal Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull are eyeing value capture as a way to fund projects, but how will they sell a new tax to voters? Paul Miller/AAP

Value capture: a good idea to fund infrastructure but not easy in practice

Consider these home truths: value capture is a tax, it would need to apply to the family home and deciding which areas it covers would be politically contentious. A broad-based land tax is simpler.
All smiles at 11 Downing Street. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

UK budget 2017: experts respond

Philip Hammond delivers his last Spring Budget on the state of the UK economy. Our panel of experts dissect what it says.
Businesses are expanding into new markets, so employees increasingly have to move between different geographical locations.

Tax laws are not keeping up with our globally mobile workforce: new research

New research finds there are significant risks and uncertainties in the complexities of national and international tax systems as applied to internationally mobile employees.
Norweigian oil rig. Black Inc. Books

Book Review: Trillion Dollar Baby

Paul Cleary makes a good case as to why Australia should follow Norway as an example of how to tax miners in Trillion Dollar Baby.

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