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Articles on Banks

Displaying 121 - 140 of 280 articles

United States Sen. Elizabeth Warren questions Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf, foreground, during congressional hearings into allegations that bank employees opened millions of unauthorized accounts to meet aggressive sales targets. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Memo to Gordon Gekko: Ethics, not greed, boost profits

Unethical corporate behaviour isn’t just embarrassing from a PR standpoint, it can also be unprofitable for firms and their investors.
Applying the GST to bank products and services would increase costs for consumers but reduce distortion in our economy. Sergio Dionisio/AAP

A better alternative to levying the bank tax

Applying the GST to banking has much sounder economic underpinnings than the current levy, would have raised much more revenue, and would have applied to all banks rather than just the big banks.
There are better ways of dealing with distortions caused by the bank than the government’s quick, politically opportunistic, measure. Joel Carrett/AAP

Budget bank levy: too big to fail, not too big to take a hit

The new levy on banks from the budget is a small hit to their profit but it could have unintended consequences.
The treasurer referred to the A$13 billion “zombie” measures the Senate has failed to pass as a “Senate tax”, in justifying the tax increases in this budget. Lukas Coch

Budget 2017: bank populism will be paid for by Australians

The budget was extraordinary in many ways. It is an abandonment of restraint on taxes by a liberal government. It is nakedly populist and it also acknowledges that government debt can be productive.
With the intensity of competition across many industries, financial institutions such as ANZ need to be agile and respond to changes quickly to maintain business. Mal Fairclough/AAP

The agile working style started in tech but it could work for banks

The agile working style was originally designed by tech companies for efficiency in software development but now one of Australia’s big four banks wants to implement this.

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