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Articles on Online privacy

Displaying 141 - 160 of 264 articles

‘Sign it? I mean, have you seen these new Facebook terms and conditions?’ Unknown artist

What use would a digital bill of rights be?

The Liberal Democrats have been a lone voice among the parties calling for a digital bill of rights governing our growing use of the internet. But is it the right solution for the problem in hand?
Children growing up in a world of social media are developing a very different conception of privacy to that of their parents. Ed Ivanushkin/Flickr

Online and out there: how children view privacy differently from adults

Many people are shocked by what children are willing to share about themselves online. Is it that they don’t understand privacy, or just have a different conception of it compared to adults?
Domestic violence needn’t be only physical, but can extend to online harassment and control. Arne Halvorsen/Flickr

Online harassment is a form of violence

Technology violence is a term that encompasses all types of harassment and abuse that occurs online and serves to control or intimidate women in particular.
Mountains of data are being collected on you, and much of it is beyond your grasp. kris krüg/Flickr

Beyond metadata: the brave new world of big data retention

Metadata is only the beginning. The Big Data trend means there’s a lot more information about us out there that can be tracked or monitored.
The government can’t read your email, but it will be able to find out where you sent it to and from. Paul Downey/Flickr

It’s too late to debate metadata

There are still unanswered questions about the data retention bill, but it’s now too late to get answers before it is passed into law.
We need to take charge and teach ourselves a bit about the internet in order to stay safe online. gail/Flickr

We need to take responsibility for our own safety online

There is only so much government and business can do to keep us safe online. Ultimately we need to take personal responsibility for how we use the internet.
Is mass data retention the way to go or should authorities be forced to come back with a warrant to find what they want? Flickr/Rosalyn Davis

What ‘safeguards’ are in Australia’s data retention plans?

As the Australian government pushes on with its data retention bill there are still questions about what safeguards and protections are in place, and a look at similar moves that have failed overseas.
There are still unanswered questions about the government’s proposed metadata retention bill. Lars P./Flickr

Expert panel: metadata retention report

What the experts think of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s report on the proposed metadata retention laws.
Facebook knows what you’re doing. What you’re watching. How you’re feeling. Khakimullin Aleksandr/Shutterstock/Wired

Privacy is fast becoming the real disruptive force in digital technology

Did you recently buy a Samsung smart TV? If you are worried about privacy, you may be wondering how smart that decision was following the manufacturer’s warnings that its voice-activated televisions may…

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